Thursday, July 2, 2015

Helen Ang: Hypocrisy and Trickery

My seven-year journey and Allah withholding His grace from Hannah Yeoh

I started to be disenchanted with Grandpapa Dapster Lim Kit Siang for much of the same reasons that he is hated by so many Malays, especially the older generation.
The DAP is all sugar coat and honeyed tongue about a united and harmonious Malaysian race when they just want to take advantage of the Malays.
I’m open minded, analytical and objective. Hence in the case of the tussle over the ‘Allah’ word, I side with the Muslims … because it’s logic – Allah is the God of Islam (even this the evangelistas want to tegakkan benang basah dan tipu).
I do not have any of the guile of the evangelical Christians who are attemptinghirabah (highway robbery) of the ‘Allah’ word while at the same time tricking the Muslims that they want to build bridges to erect peace and love. What bullshit. And PAS swallowed it until recently terkena batang hidung baru tahu.
It’s not surprising that some of my blog articles are filed under the category tag ‘DAP mengkhianati kaum Melayu’.