Saturday, July 25, 2009

Justice for all

It's funny that when the Westerners talk about Syariah, the divine laws of Islam regarding the safety and law of lives, marriages,properties n the sacred bloodline of the human beings. The easy way out is of course saying that Muslims copied some of the laws from the old testaments n the Torah and mixed it with pagans rituals etc. etc. Yet they seem to have abandoned all the laws in their gospels and Torah, to suit, erm..modernity or secularism or to harness blind support 4 every hideous things the governments r cooking or something like that.

When referring to the stoning rituals, they quickly pointed that when Jesus and the Israelite was about to upheld the stoning rituals for adulterers, sex offenders who had sex outside marriage even though they are or were married, that he said only those who had not done so, can pick up the stone and throw it to the convicted adulterers as a symbol of mercy of Christianity not some lowered tune sarcasm of the corrupted lifestyles most of the Israelite back then. Even in the Torah stated the stoning ritual, but of course the laws of the Jews and in the bible are not seen as barbaric cruel blood thirsty Muslims' Syariah n yet they claimed we copied it from their holy books, Can they please made up their mind.

It is interesting to note that while our prophet, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. was still alive, there was one or two interesting accounts that I could remember involving the stoning rituals. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Once there was a woman surrendering herself to the prophet, claiming she had condemned herself by committing adultery and asked the prophet for her retribution and free her from the wrath of Allah and saved her from the fire of hell.

The prophet asked her did she knew what she was saying, whether she was crazy, intoxicated or disillusioning. The woman insisted that she wasn't disillusioning. N the prophet asked her whether she was pregnant or not, and when she said she was, the prophet dismissed her and asked her to take care of her pregnancy first without having her punished or kept her in some sort of imprisonment. When the woman had delivered the baby onto the world, she went back to see the prophet and asked him to help her from the wrath of Allah and His hell. Again the prophet dismissed her and sent her back home n asked her to take care of her baby for two years by showering the baby with a mother's love. Again without any mockery, brutal retributions or condemnation.
For my logic, if someone, especially a mother who had breastfed and took care of her baby for two years, I would guess would have think twice before surrendering herself to her death n to be parted with her baby but, this did not happened in this event. Again when she had finished breastfeeding and taking care of the child for two years, she went to see the prophet for the third time without any moral police or soldiers hunting and escorting her. N this time the prophet asked her whether there was anyone who was going to take care of her baby when she had passed away. N she answered yes and demanded the prophet to free her from her sins.
Only by confession and request by the sinner, in this instance, a woman trying to purify herself of her guilt, n out of fear of the judgement that much, much more grusome that awaited her in the afterlife was willing to surrender herself to the stoning ritual. At last the prophet granted her, her wish and asked the companions to carry out the execution.

When they started to throw the stones, she didn't try to run away and took it as a devoted servant to God. After a while, people started to curse her, and this where the amazing part began. The prophet was angry at them and forbid them to mock her by saying, know that she is a member of the paradise and Allah had granted her His mercy by pardoning her wrongdoings. When she was dead, they all took care of her like any other Muslims and did not discard her remains. She was prayed for and buried in a dignified way.

Another story was related in a hadith by Muslim reported by Abu Hurairah, A man came 2 see the prophet while he was in a mosque and confessed that he had involved in zina or adultery and he confessed up to four times, and each time the prophet turned his face away from him until the fourth time and he brought four witnesses to verify his confession, and only then the prophet asked the Muslims to take the man and did the stoning ritual.

There was another account, when a young man went to see the prophet asking whether Allah would pardoned his sin. The prophet said Allah is the Most Forgiving and His mercy is greater than that of his sin.

When the man told him that he dug up newly buried Muslimah and had intercourse with their corpses, the prophet could not hold his anger and asked the man to leave him at once. Devastated, the man went off and prayed to Allah. U see, before his confession, he had a dream, more like a nightmare, that one of the corpses came to him and scolded him for awakening her in the form of impurity in front of Allah in the judgment day, n asked him had he no shame?

There was no writing or saying that he was immediately arrested and punished with any harsh punishment after confessing his sin to the prophet. At last Allah revealed to the prophet that the man was pardoned and when the prophet received this revelation he asked his companions to fetch the man to tell him the good news. The man cried with relieve upon hearing the news. But this is the remarkable part of this story hidden by the liars and twisters of the truth. While praying with the rest of the Muslims, when he heard a verse in Al Quran uttered by the prophet in the prayer, he shouted and fell down dead. Do you know what was the verse?
This is the verse, Az Zalzalah or The Earthquake.

The Earthquake
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:
When earth is shaken with its [final] quake,

and the earth brings forth its burdens,

and man says, ‘What is wrong with it?’

On that day it shall relate its chronicles,

for its Lord will have inspired it.

On that day mankind shall issue forth in separate groups to be shown their deeds.

So whoever does an atom’s weight of good shall see it,

and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

Upon hearing the last verse, the man screamed while he was in a prayer and everyone attended him but he was dead. He died because of his fear of Allah not because the Syariah.

And there was also a recording of events during the time of Khalifah Umar. He liked to walk around and mingled with his subject. One day he climbed a house out of suspicion and entered it secretly and found out that the owner of the house was having illegal sex (outside of marriage) and he scolded him and wanted to take action on him. But the man defended himself by saying that Umar himself was not following the teaching of the prophet and Islam in three occasions the first, Muslims are forbidden to seek out his brothers wrongdoings or sins and second by illegally entering a man's house without consent and third, didn't gave the salam before entering his house. Upon hearing this, Umar left the man and did not take any action on him. This is written in Adab al-Suhbah. Help from others are needed to verify this. Since the liars and twisters of the truth always stated their sources to put some weight on their writing I guess.

A man once surrendered himself to the Prophet claiming that he had illegal sexual pleasure with a woman but not up to having an intercourse and asking for his punishment. N what did the prophet did at that time? He didn't said anything, instead Umar told him, God won't exposed your shortcomings if U didn't exposed them at the first place. The prophet only read a verse from the Quran for the man and the rest of the companions that were there this verse.
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:
And establish prayer at the two ends of the day, and in some watches of the night. Indeed good deeds annul misdeeds. That is a remembrance for the mindful.

Having said that, Muslim authority in different part of Muslim nations do differ in their interpretation of the syariah. Some are too brutal n strayed from the justice concept forewarned by the prophet, It is better to make a mistake and release a convict, than to make a mistake in executing a punishment.

As for hand cutting, wouldn't u wish Madoff's hand would be cut off, instead of watching his evil mockery smile smiling at U?? Well, not many Muslim nation are practicing this penalty, but if they do, I truly hope they truly understand the spirit of deterrent than of torture sadistically n not turning it to some sort of entertainment. (It is not up for me to judge them n it's not my say. They have their own problems n they have their own wise ones or the Ulama. I'm just the average Joe. Well, U 2 have problems that seem to get out of hands 2 right?) The value of goods involved won't be of course, let say an afternoon meal n off with his hand. Even one of the Khulafa Ar Rasyidin postponed this execution when poverty became rampant during certain time of his ruling.

Well, some Muslims n even non Muslims are asking this punishment to be carry out, C? Why? Well because theft has become abundant n people can steal almost anything they like that can turn to money for them, precious iron n steel from electricity giant post, drain coverage, man hole, u name it, as long that it is money making, even the live electrical wires are not spared from these thieves.

N the worst bunch, the crazy snatch thief on motorcycle that would caused the snatch victims and people related to them, their husbands, children, parents, misery of suffering miscarriages, death and deadly injuries of helpless pregnant women, old and young women just for a few bucks in their handbags. Well, don't get sympathy or empathy right, come on, justice is for the culprits only not for the victims eh, remember?

N, at last, the punishment for murderer. Surprise2, in the law of the hudud, one branch under the syariah, Murderer can ask for forgiveness from the family that he or she had killed whether intentionally or unintentionally n be spared from death but of course he had to pay some compensation for the victim's family.

Well, this is just brief writing about the syariah that u r so afraid of n knows too little that u r so afraid it would affect u. Yeah, if u are a thief, a murderer, an adulterer n there is also the Qisas, that deals in things such as an eye for an eye kind of thing, the Takzir, which laws are decided by the Muslim authority, muamalat that deals with businesses, munakahat that deals with marriages and family matters.

Well, what do u expect? Islam is a way of life, it safe guard the human beings from HIV, syphilis, a lot more sexual diseases that too many to mention here, unintended incests by fault marriage by unknown related sisters n brothers since they do not who r their father, sexual cravings that resemble the animals that is downgrading the human race, miseries and brutalities from aggressors and sinners.

Well, a sinner that inflicts himself is one thing, but a sinner that commits a sin by involving another innocent human beings is not fair right? C I did it and got away with it eh, U scary cat, Don't u wanna be a copy cat or something, C? One unpunished bad deeds will infect others to follow. This is the nature of the human beings. Islam is complete, with its teaching of the good n the bad, its guides, its warnings, its explanation about everything, where do we came from? n where r we going?, Why r we here? Its promised rewards for the good, its laws, its punishments for the bad, it is fit for human nature as a guide to live this life. U can marry n have sex, have kids, built a family, well that's normal! Why did u think Allah created Adam n Eve, and not Adam n Adam, or Adam alone? Devoting himself to Allah n don't have to think about Eve n etc. n we all won't be in this mess in the first place eh?? Well, u wish. Do read up n help me where I go wrong or not that right. Thanks anyway 4 reading this. This life is a test.

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