Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A debate?

August 4, 2009 • 7:41 pm

“We did the experiment Moo…b4 jerking of lies like U guys. We are scientific thinkers u know, not like U, barkers of lies that don’t even bother 2 check out whether the lies r good enough 2 even baffled the Muslims. Mangkuk Hayun!”

AAHHHH, at last a scientific muslim!!!!! Let’s see who is the barker of lies here. Are you ready to take my challenge?
Invent NEW scientific facts straight from quran (no other sources allowed) and announce it all around the world. OK? Now bring the first verse

About jerking off lies. Is it you that always lie, muslim? Your theory and reality never match. So next time bring something real. Ok, big mouth?

“U love to eat those sweet pigs n yet u used it as a derogatory remarks all the time. Have U no shame eating things that U despise??”

The perfect example of dickhead muslim, no matter who you are, you always do that aren’t you? No, you are wrong i’m not a fan of pigs let alone eating it. Wrong again muslim, next time use your brain before you speak like an idiot and show your true nature.
August 4, 2009 • 7:44 pm

Let’s see the reality here:
Japan: pork eating country – peaceful, humble, never boast and very advanced
Muslim: non pork eating countries – chaos, arrogance, always boast but never deliver and idiots
Wow how scientific!!!!!
August 4, 2009 • 7:47 pm

When reality comes, mouth fades away. Ok, big mouth. Your cheap tactic about that terrorist is very boring, show some real action, bullsh*tter!
August 4, 2009 • 7:51 pm

“Join me in the battlefield of the brains n wits.. 4 now. I do pray Ur leaders r not that stupid to nuke us. The mighty Muslim Nations that love death more than U guys love this life. Why? 4 Heaven of course, I don’t belong here on this earth,”

I already know that, a thug like you belong to the whores house of islamic heaven and ready to kill for it. Why this moron keep repeating something that is so boring.
August 4, 2009 • 7:55 pm

“Let’s go n pick up fights with other snobbish arrogant liars that think they are 2 smart 4 their own good. I love cutting their lies 2 pieces.”

I too love to cut muslim lies to pieces and watch them running like a rat, and their arrogance mouth, eeewwww, i can’t stand it. A dickhead like you who knows nothing about reality is the true liar.
August 4, 2009 • 8:08 pm

Pigs are haram because they appear to be dirty, but innards, goats, flies and all other foods that creates health problem are halal. How scientific!!!
August 4, 2009 • 8:14 pm

“With all the babies blown to bits, this can’t be heaven. U see, this is the logic of the people who called themselves, Muslim”

With all the muslim atrocities, this can’t be heaven. Heaven is the place that idiots, killers, and suicide bombers reside with semen lying around and never ending f**k (eternal free sex, truly hypocrites). The logic of muslim of course – logic of an animal.
August 4, 2009 • 8:26 pm

Hmm..Hemm,hhheemm (giggling of course like, as always, my Christians friends from Cranmer)

Mr. Moo,, U do agree with Muslims after all eh? Why didn’t u be like the wealthy ham eaters of the world Mr. Magoo?
Oh man, U should have not tempted me like this man. Are U really, really sure U wanna challenge me in this one, man, Science and Islam. U gonna be blown away by me man. Gezzz…haiii..Ignorant…
Ok, gentlemen of the west, observe!

Mr. Mooo, Rules of engagement, (I’m a Muslim, what do U expect my friends, we live on sets of rules not like U)

1. Introduce yourself 2 me first at least, Where do U come from?, What is Ur gender? N what do U do 4 a living?, n of course, how old are U my enemy on the battlefield of the pen? To double check whether Ur r lying or not, state the currencies of the three neighbouring countries nearer 2 U n of course, their favourite tourist attractions n unofficial languages used in those 3 countries.

1. As U have challenged me, U must after my rebuttals, answered Ur own challenge regarding Ur faith, or even if U don’t have one, U must specified what do U really believe in so that I can address my specific needs with U afterwards. U must also refer to the founder of Ur faith, n which house of thoughts U belong 2.

1. No alcohol level whatsoever in your blood stream, when U r talking 2 me. Why? It would be embarrassing 4 me of course, to debate with Mr. Drunkard that would of course, have clouded judgments n I don’t want to debate with a weakling like that. preserve my status as a slayer of liars, not merciless butcher of senseless drunkards’ babbling.

1. U have to apologies openly in this blog specifically referring 2 the Muslims, not me, 4 your hideous part in this stage of course, openly 2 our readers right here, right now n won’t run away n never 2 return here ashamed of yourself after I have stab my keris right there, right at the heart of your lies, N I have to have Ur words on it, by of course, giving me Ur email, or at least, Your Facebook accounts delivered 2 me via email if U r afraid 2 share it openly here. (still negotiable based on mutual agreements, of course if U don’t want to make Ur real identity exposed like Ali Sina)

1. U have 2 state the meridian time of the place U r blogging with me now, so that I know U are eyes wide shuts, sorry wide awake, fresh n energetic, not like me right here, right now, writing in my sleeping mode. Am I sleep walking, or sleep typing, erm…

Agreeable? Only then I will engage U n blow U to bits. N your accusations are worthy to be slain by my sword, sorry, the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays, who were always satisfied with whatever they have in their hands unlike of course some, I hope this is true, some chauvinistic kiasu UnConfucious Chinese n Hindu Indians that also dwell in the lands of the Malay. Maybe the Singaporean don’t want them too, that’s why they keep hanging around under our occupation n oppression eh?
The ball is in your court, Mr. Mooo. 3:21 a.m. in the morning and the silence grasp everything that’s in his path. Calming…
August 4, 2009 • 8:51 pm

You, you’re not aware
That we’re aware
Of your despair
Don’t show your tears
To your oppressor
Don’t show your tears

Try not to cry little one
You’re not alone
I’ll stand by you
Try not to cry little one
My heart is your stone
I’ll throw with you

‘Ayn Jalut where David slew Goliath
This very same place that we be at
Passing through the sands of times
This land’s been the victim of countless crimes
From Crusaders and Mongols
To the present aggression
Then the Franks, now even a crueller oppression
If these walls could speak,
Imagine what would they say

For me in this path that I walk on
There’s only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
Still I throw stones like David before me and I say


No llores, no pierdas la fe
La sed la calma el que haze
Agua de la arena
Y tu que te levantas con orgullo entre las piedras
Haz hecho mares de este polvo (meaning below)
Don’t cry, don’t lose faith
The one who made water come out of the sand
Is the one who quenches the thirst
And you who rise proud from between the stones
Have made oceans from this dust

I throw stones at my eyes
‘Cause for way too long they’ve been dry
Plus they see what they shouldn’t from oppressed babies to thighs
I throw stones at my tongue
‘Cause it should really keep it’s peace
I throw stones at my feet
‘Cause they stray and lead to defeat
A couple of big ones at my heart
‘Cause the thing is freezing cold
But my nafs is still alive
And kicking unstoppable and on a roll
I throw bricks at the devil so I’ll be sure to hit him
But first at the man in the mirror
So I can chase out the venom

Hmm, a little boy shot in the head
Just another kid sent out to get some bread
Not the first murder nor the last
Again and again a repetition of the past
Since the very first day same story
Young ones, old ones, some glory
How can it be, has the whole world turned blind?
Or is it just ’cause it’s only affecting my kind!
If these walls could speak,
Imagine what would they say
For me in this path that I walk on
There’s only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
Still I throw stones like David before me and I say

No wonder the Danish is so pissed off with Muslims n Islam eh? ?The Outlandish is there, n being so successful n envied of course, as always!
August 4, 2009 • 8:56 pm

“Agreeable? Only then I will engage U n blow U to bits. N your accusations are worthy to be slain by my sword, sorry, the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays, who were always satisfied with whatever they have in their hands unlike of course some, I hope this is true, some chauvinistic kiasu UnConfucious Chinese n Hindu Indians that also dwell in the lands of the Malay. Maybe the Singaporean don’t want them too, that’s why they keep hanging around under our occupation n oppression eh?
The ball is in your court, Mr. Mooo. 3:21 a.m. in the morning and the silence grasp everything that’s in his path. Calming…”

YYaaaaawwwnn. Just do as i say. I’m waiting for international news, ok. No need to boast like donkey. About that sword thing, is it your habit to use it on non muslim, thug?
August 4, 2009 • 9:01 pm

Read my challenge again with your eyes this time. I’m waiting for international news that stated islam is science. Mouth, article, debate, etc is not science. Capiche? Prove it in real world not cheap gossip. I repeat again: Invent NEW scientific facts straight from quran (no other sources allowed) and announce it all around the world. OK? Now bring the first verse then make a discovery then announce it all over the world.

“Mr. Moo,, U do agree with Muslims after all eh? Why didn’t u be like the wealthy ham eaters of the world Mr. Magoo?”

Who said i agree with you? Check my post again, carefully. Your eyes seems to have a problem.
August 4, 2009 • 9:13 pm

Comment deleted for abusive language. (Editor)
August 4, 2009 • 9:22 pm

“the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays”

Speaking of malays i remember malays always claim about indonesian culture (example: batik). You are a thief, you stole other culture and you export terrorist to indonesia, you also try to eat indonesian territory in ambalat and beat indonesian workers like slaves. Like soekarno said: ganyang malaysia.
August 4, 2009 • 9:26 pm

Hmm, my comment is waiting moderation again n again eh? yet again 4 how many hours eh? Mr. Mooo have 2 graze somewhere n U r wasting his time waiting 4 my comments, N I’m afraid he’s going to poo right there in front of his fancy international television paid by his mom, come on Moderators, be moderate plz. U r disrupting my rhythm with this nerd. it’s not fair!
August 4, 2009 • 9:36 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Hilarious, a thinking nerd after all, Hey man, U deleted my comment yet again. Oh, I get it now, I’m sorry, where’s my manners. But I got to go the mosque now for late night prayers, No it is not compulsory, Just a Sunat, that get U closer 2 God n strengthen your heart when of course, dealing with nerds such as Mr. Lembumooo…Catch U later now Goyyimshits! Do cook up more n more n more about anything that Ur depleted neuron brain n exactly not in the Alpha mode like me, all the time, even now. Alhamdulillah. God had granted me supreme above my enemies. I’ll slaughtered him like a what exactly do U eat Mr. Mooo…
What powerrr do U have over me???
Are some disposed king? Cast away President at least so that I would be running to U whenever U called me, Hell, even your kids despise U man.
August 4, 2009 • 9:40 pm

Ahh, yet again, waiting moderation, Are U experiencing the delay 2 Mr Maggot the bigot?
August 4, 2009 • 10:10 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

follow me here moo
don’t forget the internet protocol in front of them. Quick b4 they changed the hyperlink
We can’t have a decent conversation with these moderators trying to moderate us now won’t we?
Comments on the latest item on my blog. Well of course, about U Moo. U got to get on tv moo..
faster moo, hush yash move, move get ur fat arse in here move bah, bah

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