1 July 2009 00:16
Blogger Maria said...
The Word of God is not meant a separate and distinct substance, coeval and coexistent with God Almighty “Allah” but an expression and proclamation of His Knowledge and Will when He uttered the word “Be and it is”.
When God said the word “Be” for the first time, the world became. When He pronounced the word “Be” to the first man, Adam, Adam was created. In the same way, when He said the word “Be”, Jesus was created in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and so on – whenever Allah (s.w.t.) wills to create, His order “Be” is sufficient.
31 July 2009 02:14
Blogger Maria said...
In the Qur'an, God Almighty "Allah" (s.w.t.) addresses Jesus ('Isa in arabic) as son of Mary, not son of God.
Jesus (a.s.), son of Mary, is compared to that of Adam (a.s.), the first man and the first prophet who was created without mother and without father in Qur'an Surah 3:58 which states:
"The similitude of Jesus, son of Mary, before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be": and he was."
31 July 2009 02:23
Blogger Maria said...
Your reasoning is that Jesus as son of God created All things. Thus, He is the Creator.
Who created Jesus Christ (a.s), son of Mary, before Jesus Christ (a.s.) became son of God?
That same Creator who created Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, created the whole universe, mankind, angels, moon, sun, seas, day and night, the seasons, everything that we see and cannot see.
The Word of God is only an expression and proclamation of His knowledge and will. As Creator, God Almighty only says "BE AND IT IS".
31 July 2009 02:33
Blogger Maria said...
Everything in life has purpose. The same is true with ALL Creations of God. God created ALL CREATIONS with a Purpose - - TO ACKNOWLEDGE, RECOGNIZE, WORSHIP GOD ALONE, nobody else and nothing else. This is the same to all - - the universe, human beings,angels, moon, sun, seas, rocks, plants, and other beings that we see or cannot see. Even all parts of our body are created with the same purpose, to worship Him Alone. Therefore, all creations of God function under the Will and Commands of God Almighty "Allah" (s.w.t.)
The difference between human beings and other creations of Allah (s.w.t.) is that human beings have the choice to accept or reject the Commands of Allah (s.w.t.) while other creations don't have the choice - - they just obey without question, they worship Allah (s.w.t.) every second of the day and night.
Consequently, since other created beings don't have the choice but just obey without question the Commands of Allah (s.w.t.), they don't have heaven and hell. While human beings have the choice to accept or reject the Commands of God, we have, therefore, heaven and hell. Heaven is for those who follow the Commands of God and Hell is for those who don't follow the commands of God.
Now, this is where salvation comes. In Christianity, salvation comes with the acceptance of Jesus Christ as son of God, Lord and Saviour. Through his flesh and blood, that a christian is saved and will live life forever in heaven. A christian, therefore, is not accountable for his own actions, deeds and sins because after all, Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, is responsible on what a christian does or did during his/her lifetime.
In Islam, each one is accountable to his/her own actions. Salvation comes with the belief in the One and Only True God and following the Commands of Allah - - the Lawful (Do’s) and Unlawful (Do Not’s) Actions that God had injuncted to Mankind. As well as, doing the activities that are intended to please Him like when Muslims say: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim (In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) before doing something, and other related activities.
When a muslim does an unlawful action or action that Allah commanded "Do not do" like killing, stealing, backbiting, etc..., he will be punished in hell. The punishment in hell is more severe than punishment here on earth.
A muslim is punished first for all actions, deeds and sins that Allah (s.w.t) commanded the people "DO NOT DO" before he can go to heaven. Compare this to christian's salvation, a christian is not punished for any sins that he/she does because Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, redeems that sin. A christian will live in heaven forever right away without punishment.
Having said all those, since All Creations are created to worship God alone, nobody else and nothing else, the greatest evil in the sight of God Almighty, is therefore THE WORSHIP OF CREATION. The Worship Of Creation is an unpardonable crime in the sight of God and the punishment is Hell forever.
31 July 2009 03:57
Blogger Maria said...
Is my english difficult to understand? Anyway, here's my question again.
Jesus (a.s.), son of Mary, said: "Worship Me. I am the son of God, Your Lord and Saviour"
Who is the prophet of God in the New Testament who said that?
31 July 2009 04:09
Blogger Maria said...
What's the faith of a mormon? Is the mormon not the same with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
I heard about them when I was in high school 25 years ago. They also have Jesus Christ as son of God, Your Lord and Saviour. Mormons are Christians, too. Even Jehovah Witnesses have Jesus Christ as son of God, a divine created being.
Only muslims don't Worship A Creation because this is the greatest evil in the sight of God. If there are muslims who call & pray to dead saints, this is against the teachings of Islam. What can a dead person, stones and idols, and all created beings do? This is the reason God Almighty kept sending and chosing prophets and messengers.
All prophets and messengers had the same message - TO WORSHIP GOD ALONE, nobody else and nothing else. The first prophet, as well as the first man, was Adam (a.s.) and the last of all prophets was prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s).
Jesus (a.s), son of Mary, came before prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). Like all prophets before him, he taught and preached only TO WORSHIP GOD ALONE, nobody else and nothing else. If he became son of God, that was not his teachings.
Maybe, liberator, you are confused about angel Gabriel who brought the revelation from God Almighty Allah (s.w.t) to prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). That doesn't mean that the teachings of Mormons having angels as you said who brought the revelation to Smith is the same as the teachings of Islam.
The teachings of Islam is To Worship only God Alone, nobody else and nothing since the purpose God created ALL Creations is TO WORSHIP GOD ONLY, nobody else and nothing else. Our souls have acknowledge this before our human body is sent to earth so that on the Day of Resurrection or Judgement, we cannot deny that God Almighty ("ALLAH" in arabic) is God Alone. While on earth, human beings tend to forget that God because of our surroundings, we associate God with something that we see around us.
That is the reason God Almighty "Allah" kept chosing and sending prophets and messengers to guide us to the right path. Until the day of judgement, we will keep hearing about Islam so that we can't deny that we are not warned.
Don't confuse teachings of Islam just because of an angel in Mormons and angel Gabriel.
31 July 2009 05:00
Blogger Maria said...
Assalamu 'alaykum, brother.
Thanks for invitine me here. Look, how the reasoning of intelligent christians.
liberator is confused of the teachings of Islam because of an angel in mormon. When mormons are like them, christians.
len can not understand my english. This is my 4th time to ask the same question - - Who is the prophet in the new testament?
dutchlionfrans thought Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, is son of God because he was born without father. Take note, he became a Creator just because he was born without father.
Adam (a.s.) was created without mother and father, more than Jesus (a.s.),son of Mary, who was created only without father.
Allahu-Akbar! God is Great!
May All of them receive guidance, Ameen.
Waa salam,
31 July 2009 05:53
Blogger Maria said...
Pardon me for posting the same post again. I think the one I posted before this did not come up.
Jesus Christ said: "Worship me. I am son of God, Your Lord and Saviour."
Who is the prophet in the New Testament who said that?
31 July 2009 07:07
1 July 2009 22:23
Blogger Maria said...
len, liberator, dutchlionfrans1953 and other christians,
len said, "Maria, I cannot answer your question as it makes no sense! Give me the scripture you are quoting!
Or are you quoting a tale from the Koran? give me the sura."
My question was: Who is the prophet of God in the New Testament who said that Jesus said: "Worship Me. I am the son of God, Your Lord and Saviour." I even reprased this question as:
Jesus Christ said: "Worship Me. I am the son of God, Your Lord and Saviour." Who is the prophet of God in the New Testament who said that?
Now, len can't answer because it doesn't make sense when my question is the Essense of the teachings of ALL CHRISTIANITY!
The first time I asked the same question to len, her answer was “The prophets in the Old Testament testify to the coming Lord Jesus Christ, there are many, prophesies which no- one but the Lord Jesus Christ could fulfill!.” Again, her answer comes from the Old Testament, when what I asked was from the New Testament. My question was so simple & understandable, Who is the prophet of God in the New Testament who taught all the teachings of Christianity, most specifically the Essence of Christianity that Jesus Christ (a.s.) said: “Worship Me. I am the son of God, Your Lord and Saviour”.
The truth of the matter is len and other Christians whom I asked that same question cannot answer because:
1. There is no prophet of God in the New Testament who taught all teachings of Christianity since Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, is the prophet and Messenger of God, but raised as a Son God or BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. and,
2. The main message of so many prophets in the Old Testament is TO WORSHIP THE ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD. This is why the Old Testament is only about ONE GOD. If the Old Testament prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, this did not mean that Jesus Christ was to be worshipped as God but this means that like all prophets before him, he was sent to guide people TO WORSHIP THE ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD.
And to quote len, "Or are you quoting a tale from the Koran? give me the sura." The Holy Qur’an Surah 5: 116 – 117 clearly confirms that Jesus Christ, son of Mary, was only commanded to tell people ‘TO WORSHIP GOD Alone, nobody else and nothing else:
“And (beware of) that Day ! When God will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides God?’” He will say, ‘Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen. I said not to them except what you commanded me – ‘to worship God, my Lord and your Lord…’”
Since there is no prophet of God in the New Testament, who taught then the teachings of Christianity to worship Jesus Christ (a.s.) as son of God, Your Lord and Saviour, all your sins are redeemed through the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ (a.s), through the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ (a.s.), you will have eternal salvation, etc..., etc... These teachings did not just come out of the blue, then, bingo, Christianity will give you life!
Have you ever wondered why Acts, Romans, Corinthians, all Paul’s Letters are included in the New Testament? This should give you an idea of who teach and preach Christianity
Continued on the next post...
01 August 2009 03:40
Blogger Maria said...
To len, ducthlionfrans, liberator and other christians, this is continuation from 01 August 2009 03:40;
After Jesus Christ was gone, “the little Group of Apostles” formed a Jewish sect, headed by James, the younger brother of Jesus Christ. With James was Peter and later on John and Barnabas also joined in. James successor was Simeon, son of Cleopas, a cousin of Jesus Christ. They observed the “Law of Prophets, which Jesus had come, not to destroy but to fulfill” (Math. 5:17). They continued to live as Jews and practiced what Jesus had taught them. They were devout and practicing Jews and they were distinguished from their neighbors, only by their faith in the message of Jesus. The question of the origin of Jesus, his nature and relation to God, which later became so important, was not raised among these early disciples. That Jesus was a man supernaturally endowed by God was accepted without question. Nothing in the words of Jesus or the events in his life led them to modify this view. According to Aristides, one of the earliest apologists, the worship of the early “Christians” was more purely monotheistic even than that of the Jews.
But with the arrival of Paul, a new period opened in Christian Theology. He appeared in the scene 14 years after the departure of Jesus Christ. Paul as a Messenger of Christianity that Jesus Christ did not teach and preach is in (First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians) or 1 Corinthians 9:1-2 that states:
Am I not a free man? Am I not an apostle? Haven’t I seen Jesus our Lord? And aren’t you the result of my work for the Lord? Even if others do not accept me as an apostle, surely you do! Because of your life in union with the Lord you yourselves are proof of the fact that I am an apostle.
Paul was not a prophet and messenger of God. He was also not a disciple of Jesus Christ (a.s), son of Mary. He was a jew and inhabitant of Tarsus. As Cardinal Danielou (the author of “A New Representation of the Origins of Christianity: Judeo Christianity) says that Paul had an access among the Jews who were living in far off lands across the Mediterranean sea in areas around Rome & Greece in the Roman Empire. The pagan people living in those areas were worshipping the Sun, the Moon, the Mars, the Venus and various other stars as their gods. In addition, they were also worshipping many other stone idols and deities. In order to win the confidence and faith of these people, Paul therefore had to compromise with their beliefs & legends. Paul said circumcision of males was not really necessary. This he said despite the fact that Jesus himself was circumcised on the 8th day after his birth. Gentiles were already celebrating Sunday as a holiday in honor of their god-the Sun. Paul replaced Saturday-the day of Sabbath of the Jews with Sunday to coincide with their holiday, which they were already observing. The gentiles used to observe 25th of December as the birthdate of their god-the Sun. Now, this date was adopted as the birth date of their new found god- the Jesus. Paul also rejected the Jewish form of worship, which was practiced in the Synagogues, i.e., the WORSHIP OF ONE TRUE GOD. Instead, Paul offered Jesus Christ as an alternate god. Paul raised the status of Jesus Christ from the Messenger of God to the “son of God”. Paul borrowed from pagans and gave the concept of “Trinity”, i.e., the three gods- the father, the son, and the holy ghost. Paul put forward the concept of a “begotten son of God”. But all of these were contrary to the preaching and teachings of Jesus Christ. There was therefore an opposition from Barnabas. Barnabas is mentioned in the ff. Verses of the Bible (Acts 4:36-37; 9:26-27; 11:22-30; 12:25; 13:1-4; 14:11-15; Paul’s Epistles to the Galatians 2:9). The rift is in Acts 15. In the Acts, Barnabas disappears after the rift.
01 August 2009 03:46
Blogger Maria said...
len, dutchlionfrans, liberator & other christians,
The first call of Paul as a Messenger of Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, was through a dream as stated in Acts 26:14-16:
I heard a voice say to me in Hebrew, “Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting me? You are hurting yourself by hitting back like an ox kicking against its owner’s stick. Who are you Lord? I asked. And the Lord answered, ‘I am Jesus, whom you persecute. But get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant. You are to tell others what you have seen of me today and what I will show you in the future.”
The Second Call of Paul as Messenger is in First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians or 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 that states:
"Using the gift that God gave me, I did the work of an expert builder and laid the foundation, and another man is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds. For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation and no other foundation can be laid."
The Final Call as stated in First Letter of Paul to Timothy or 1 Timothy 2:5-7:
"For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and mankind together, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself to redeem all mankind. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved, and that is why I was sent as an apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, to proclaim the message of faith and truth."
See, the founder of Christianity is St. Paul. The new testament is an evidence that Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary did not teach and preach Christianity. Do you want to lie your own holy book?
Now tell me dutchlionfrans1953, who is following a false prophet, why do you follow St. Paul who was never a prophet, never a Messenger of God, not even a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Now tell me, dutchlionfrans1953, who is Anti-Christ that your gospels warned you of? Why do muslims believe and respect Jesus Christ (a.s), son of Mary, as prophet and messenger of God if Muslims are Anti-Christ?
dutchlionfrans, there are many priest, preachers and missionaries of christianity who accepted Islam:
Delegation of Priests Accept Islam At The Height of Muslim Christian Dialogue
About Archbishop Martin John Mwaipopo Acceptance To Islam
Priests and Preachers Accepting Islam
British Catholic Priests Accept Islam
01 August 2009 04:11
Blogger Maria said...
In the Name of Allah (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful)
len, liberator, dutchlionfrans1953 and others,
Your own holy book is an evidence that it is changed. First, the Old Testament teaches ONE GOD as brought by all the prophets. Then, it became Three God - father, son and holy ghosts and these three is ONe. From whom?
From St. Paul who was never a prophet, never a messenger of God and not even a disciple of Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary.
Christians right away judge Muslims that Muslims are following a false prophet. Why do you follow St. Paul who was never a prophet, never a messenger of God, not even a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Christians right away judge Muslims that Muslims are following a false god, a pagan god? Why do you worship a false god, a prophet and messenger of God raised as BEGOTTEN SON of GOD by your prophet, St. Paul?
Christians right away judge Muslims that Muslims follow Allah, the demon(Astaghfirullah - forgive me Allah!). Christians who speak Arabic call God, Allah! Allah is the generic word for God in Arabic. Even the bible in arabic language has Allah as God.
With regards to the Qur'an, from the time the verses were revealed piece by piece for 23 years, whatever lies, twists, accusations and attack you want to make, it's still has the same message - TO WORSHIP THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD ALONE. The message of the qur'an as brought by angel Gabriel from God Almighty "Allah" to prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) cannot be compared with the Message of the angel of mormon brought to Smith because the message of mormons is TO WORSHIP A CREATION (i.e. Jesus Christ as son of God, Lord and Saviour).
You should not look in the eyes of your religion or the eyes of Jesus Christ as son of God. Rather, you should look in the eyes of God who created All Creations, who created Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, before Jesus Christ is raised as son of God by St. Paul. In the sight or eyes of GOD, the greatest evil is TO WORSHIP A CREATION because God created All Creation with one purpose - - To Worship God Alone, nobody else and nothing else.
God created Hell for those who do not follow His Commands.Who then will be rotten into hell and lost forever?
1. The pious, peaceful, good non-Muslims who call a creature as god, denies the religion of God who created him - an unpardonable crime in the sight of God, or
2. The bad Muslims who acknowledge the Creator as the One and Only God who has the right to be worshipped but committed a pardonable crime in the sight of God. Take note however that when a Muslim does a bad action he will be punished in Hell first before he can live in heaven forever. God Almighty "Allah" can however forgive easily if He wills, nobody can question that.
The choice is yours, as God says in the Qur’an: “There is no compulsion in religion….”
My final note is what liberator said and I quote, "there is no doubt or debate to be had". Therefore, my sisterly advice to all of you, seek the truth and pray to God whoever you believe God to be. If you pray to Jesus Christ or to Holy Ghost or to whoever, that's fine because after all, the One who answers your prayers is God Alone.
01 August 2009 06:59
Blogger Maria said...
I was a Roman Catholic Christian 11 years ago. All praise is due to God Almighty Allah, He made me go back to Islam - - the religion of God, the natural religion of all human beings. I do pray for you that you will find the same. God Almighty "Allah" (s.w.t.) says in Holy Qur’ān Al Nur (The Light) 24:40:
“(The Unbelievers’ state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! For any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light.”
Just ask God, if that's to Jesus Christ, do pray to open your heart, seek the truth and give you light for the guidance can only come through the grace of God for He is the Only One who knows what's in the deepest corners of our hearts.
01 August 2009 09:39
Blogger Maria said...
You said "Mohammed bought bible stories from the jews in arabia who treated mohammed with contempt by twisting the stories, and used them to construct the Koran."
Len, those are the same accusation that priests and others during the time of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). Remember, prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) was illiterate. How can he copy the Bible and construct the Qur'an when prophet Muhammad was illiterate? Also, the stories of the Qur'an about Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, about his birth, his mission, his disciples, his miracles, his crucifixion and his similitude of that of prophet Adam (a.s.) who was created without mother and without father are not the same as in the Bible , this is the reason that Christians have conflict with the Muslims belief.
Now, that you're own Bible is proven to have changed, an evidence that Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary, did not teach and preach but taught by St. Paul who was never a prophet, never a messenger of God, not even a disciple of Jesus Christ (a.s.), your'e saying that the Qur'an is copied from the Bible.
Anyway, len, as I've said before, just ask God, if that is to Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ, do so, to give you light and guidance for whatever study, learning and searching you will do, if guidance will not be given, all your seeking the truth will still be in vain since guidance can be acquired only through the grace of God.
Nice chatting with you.
01 August 2009 10:09
The Single Gospel ('Injil in arabic) that was revealed in Aramaic, the vernacular language, of Jesus Christ does not exist anymore. This is the Gospel that Muslims believed that God Almighty "Allah" revealed to Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary.
Therefore, the Gospel of Barnabas and other Gospels like Gospels of the Nazarenes, Gospel of the Hebrews, Gospel of the Egyptians, Thomas’ Gospel and other hundred more gospels that existed in 40 to 110 A.C. were not the Gospel that was revealed to Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary.
The same way that the four Gospels - - Gospels of Luke, Gospels of Mark, Gospels of Matthew and Gospels of John, declared as canonic or official by the church are not as well the Single Gospel that was originally revealed to Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary.
02 August 2009 05:57
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