Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In the begining according to Christian faith

Blogger Terry Hamblin said...

Clearly Muslims have a corrupted version of God. Mohammed was a very clever man but ignorant of Christian history and being illiterate incapable of reading to improve his knowledge. He lacked an understanding of the Holy Spirit and despite believing in one God he didn't understand his power and capability of expressing himself in many ways. The idea of a trinity was opaque to him.
The beginning of the Gospel of John, which Muslims reject and Christians hold central to their faith, explains it all. Here it is condensed into a poem:

In the beginning was the Word

But Jesus was not Jesus then, no more
The Virgin Mary’s son; He was the Word,
With God, the three in one, in rapt rapport
Held fast by love. The Holy Three conferred
And made the sky, the earth, the sea; His hand
In each creative act. The Spirit soared
Above the seas before that great command,
“Let there be light!” He was the Light; adored
By angels. Darkness could not comprehend.
Then there was life, of countless, teeming kind.
In Him was life and His that life to lend;
The light of men; for Man he had designed
To hold His image and when thus constrained
To free from bondage those whom sin had stained.

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