Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Jewish Question

Somebody had a conversation with me about the recent brutalities of the mighty baby killer armies of an Illegal state on earth. He said, all Muslims should unite and massacre everyone of them and rub them out from the face of this earth.

I'd paused for a long time and stared deep inside his heart, sorry, his eyes n said. Did U know that the Israelite were the brethren of the Arabs? They were descendants of the holy prophet Isaac, (Ishak a.s.) who was in turn a brother to the holy prophet Ishmael (Ismail a.s.) from the bloodline of God's most favoured prophet Abraham himself, who himself was a bloodline of prophets. Yes, most of the prophets revealed by Allah in Al Quran were Israelite, a Jew, if you can link them as followers of Judaism. If not, then stick to referring them as Israelite.

See, people. The deadliest of them all are not terrorists. It's ignorant. Those who were not even bothered to at least know something before producing the baseless information processed by their lazy to think n read minds, but ever so cheerful to talk rubbish to get, eh, friends and admiration from mere humans. Typical.

I still can't forget the faces of the babies, the children in black n white of course. No, not Muslims, the Jews. They were massacred by a group of people who claimed they were the followers of the peaceful prophet Isa a.s.

They were dead wrong, it seems. It was n still is painted on their faces through out the history of men.

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