August 1, 2009 • 10:04 pm
I’m not just in this blog dealing with Hatemongers n their lies n attack on Islam. I’m everywhere. Well, I mean, The holy warriors of Allah in the Worldwide Web. What do u expect? We are one, yeah, yeah, just like trinity!
August 1, 2009 • 11:38 pm
londonspirit when you find the answer to my last accusation let me know so we can move on.
August 1, 2009 • 11:47 pm
In the lands of the Malay, there is a famous biscuits known to all of us, Malaysians, Marie, Marie.
Yes, your name is on these biscuits. Fancy that Marie. Gotta go. I’m sheathing my keris now. This battle is over 4 me.
4 now.
August 2, 2009 • 12:05 am
6:47 a.m. n the jungle fowls r crowing like mad with unspoiled gigantic trees saved n protected by Malays from ever hungry Chauvinistic Kiasu Chinese, no, not followers of Confucious, Atheist just like U guys! (not all Chinese, remember I’m not like u guys, generalisator) foraging hungrily illegally in the forests that doesn’t belong to them in the first place. Yes, also their whores imported from China of course, China dolls, their Jewish like money lender aka along, torturers of default borrowers, their drugs, some deluded stupid Malays who thinks they r Chinese are of course the buyers, no these people craved Ecstasy pills with booze, What do u expect? N poaching on our wildlife just like the thais buddhist that kept on smuggling our kerang seedlings, a shellfish, delicacy in thai’s food u so adored, Our fragrant wood, the Malayan Tiger, The pangolins, The Owls, Our little black turtles, our sea turtles. Geez…Non Muslims are really Eaters of everything eh? Gotta save this comment just in case coz I’m an abuser c, just like Ali Sina. Ops! sorry, sorry, I..I..I take it back…Don’t delete me ok! Catch u later!
Got to stop myself! Calm down now alpha. Gotta go somewhere else.
August 2, 2009 • 1:38 am
Don’t blame Islam for what Srizals is doing.
August 2, 2009 • 5:13 am
Thanx Demsci, owe u one. Descendents of Killers, Oppressors and Slavers. Did I forgot something else? Oh, Confused reader of facts, that can’t read through the stupid lies and unproven n unsupported so called accepted truth. Is it a universal truth? That’s the question my enemy. At u!
August 2, 2009 • 5:35 am
Of what Demsci? Are u a Damsel in Distress or something? Read up this blog man? err…girl??? The title is mostly absurd. Get my motive fellow human?
Statistics, simple plz. Valid plz. Universal Truth, plz. Stop lying plz. N I’ll treat U with respects if U deserve my respect.
Over crowding won’t help our readers now won’t it, Marie. Calling me names or associating me with dehumanizing technique won’t work out either. why? I’m still alive aren’t I. Not like Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Not like Michael Jackson, that got you guys banging even before lying peacefully in his tomb, remember?
His Rabbi ‘friend’ n even the Anglican of the Ex masters of the Commonwealth. Just 4 rumours about his faith be4 his death. Geezz…Don’t tell me U r new to the news that do Quantum leap from countries 2 countries.
Were U that stupid German Guard that ‘accidently’ gunned down Marwa as-Sharbini’s husband that tried to protect his 3 months old pregnant wife that got ur special treatment of 18 stabs to the death in a German Court Room right in front of her three year old son!
Ohhh. U didn’t know about it, eh? No wonder U r bewildered with all the hostility u received from me eh?
(But everyone seems to know about Neda, a woman accidentally shot during a demonstration in Iran (the only one that got shot out of thousands, ermm). Come on man, the Syiah is full of emotion, yes, but they are not that crazy, Hell, they are not Chinese who gunned down unarmed demonstrators in Tienamenn in China and rolled them over with tanks. Oh! U forgot already eh? Just sure shows who u r now didn’t it.
The past can’t be amended, boys n girls. Not like ur faith. Do u even have one? R u an ex Christian or something. Erm…r u a Jew? a Zionist? a confused human intoxicating with consuming the truth n the lies all at once. Poor u. Shame on U!
August 2, 2009 • 5:42 am
***ibnsahr there are 1 billion or so muslims who can tell u that the verses in the quran in relation of killin is in the context of war. An there are about a few thousands that say otherwise***
why they use explosive as a device to make their point, as such thing only used in war, islam will always at war untill all religion in the world for satan alone, why don’t you and 1 billion or so condemned those attentian seekers whose spoiled the image of satanic peacefull religion
why allah aka satan put verses in the wrong contex, surah al nisaa supposed to be about women why satan fill out 2/3 of chapter with hatred verses that has got nothing to do with women, you didn’t answer that last time i ask you
so when you said people posting videos which has no relation to islam, isn’t it wise to ask why satan all knowing, put verses that has nothing to do with the contex of the chapter?
apparently both of them were done by human that make mistake
***marie i dont no why u constantly mention bad actions that certain individuals do an than blame islam***
why suicide bomber always muslim (at least for last two decades)??
why islam teaching lead some willing to blow themeself up
August 2, 2009 • 5:46 am
Whoa, wait a minute. I’m starting to think that I’m the only guy in here. If this is the case I’m gonna lose out to you girls, the master of multi tasking brains with 2.5% weight ratio of her body mass. I’m gonna get pulverized. No wonder u guys, sorry girls are such a reader. Oh man! I should have known.
August 2, 2009 • 7:16 am
Where were u this couple of centuries. But I’m holding my tongue. I’ll come at ya when LS has responded 2 u.
Watch ur mouth now deary, ibnsahr aka drunkard, Eater of everything that exist in this world, especially twisted truth n whole lies. Why r ur hands tremblin like that?
August 2, 2009 • 11:17 am
srizals fagot,
for a moment, stop your childish act, and please answer,
August 2, 2009 • 1:50 pm
Sorry, sorry, Mr. Dullard, sorry, ibnsahr, mind the brainwave now won’t we, u don’t wanna speed up the process of depleting ur neurons now won’t U moron.
Ahhh..the call to pray just in a nick of time. Be patient now girl, man, Neanderthals. Gotta see my maker in submission. Hang out with your devil, booze, hookers, porn, masturbating gels while u r at it. I am going after U, as…TOT (in a hole). (Self Censorship coz there’s a lot of decent people reading this vile, C). Don’t run away now chicken. Miss Happy Feet. Pekok, kok, kok, kok, Pekok,,Pekak badak!
Dok au mende satu!
C ya!
Please oh Mr Policeman, don’t delete me plz! Its already cut n paste in somewhere else as a safety precautions…Abusive language eh? Funny guys..
August 2, 2009 • 6:20 pm
Well, 4 starters, Ur question is very wrong n I don’t think Sinhalese Buddhist would be smiling upon reading ur question in here Mr. Dullard, sorry, maggot!
Geez, U really r something, don’t show just how perplexed u r to our readers now boy!
Wait a minute. I’m in the fighting mode. Gotta kill the music.
Ok, where were we, ahh, yes, yes, your killer question eh? I’m impressed. Not so stupid now r we.
August 2, 2009 • 6:32 pm
Well, after witnessing so much brutal killings, bombing, gassing of the Jews, Dead children of the Jews resulted on Christian’s brutal pogroms, Little heads roll over at Maluku chopped to pieces by Christians Batak, Watch in horror of stockpiled Muslim youth with their hands bound to their backs n arranged like logs one on the top of another, layer after layer, compressed to eh, safe space in the military trucks of the mighty n brave Thais Buddhist peaceful but sex lunatics armies n of course to save oil. What?
Check your geography lessons boys n girls, The majority of countries that is blessed with swine flus, sorry, with the black blood of the earth are in Chechnya, n Azerbaijan, deep in the heart of Soviet Russia. In the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar Dubai bla,bla, bla had nothing but sand n sun. Stop it boys n girls, why are u guys gigling like that. U wanna me give u some whopping now?
Ok, pardon the child in me. Coz c, he will always be in me. What do u expect, toyol? A separate killing n torture machines that called themselves the brave soldiers of the greatest democracy in the world, the USA slayers of babies, toddlers n children, Sick Rapist or Iraqis, Mutilaters, sorry, Meat choppers n happy burner of witches, Cranmer, Spanish Muslims, Jews n even ’suspected’ heretic Spanish Christians themselves. Read up boys n girls, the water boarding at Gitmo is nothing compared to the bold Spaniard!
Ok back to the present. I don’t think my preacher friend would agree on me of constantly refering of the past. But C, I’m a teacher! I have to teach my students of the present tense, but it would not make any sense without learning the past tense n of course it would be totally absurd for me to hide from them the future tense.
August 2, 2009 • 6:33 pm
Am I deleted yet. Guess not. Don’t forget to save these comments Mr. Alpha brain, be4 submitting yourself to God, ops, sorry, to this blog.
August 2, 2009 • 6:37 pm
Well, like when Lambert, the sheepish Lion, Lambert, the wild n woolly sheep, emmbeeeekkkk. Did u watch it Miss Dullard? Well, something snapped inside of them, the terrorist I mean. They were raging lions. N the rest is history.
Come on Huminist? Humans go crazy under constant opression, with babies dropping down dead like flies, u get crazy see. Do you have a baby, Feed it to the dogs n you’ll understand what drives the terrorist.
Geez, not so smart at all in the end it seems, See ya Old man.
August 2, 2009 • 6:43 pm
Ops, I forgot, maggot!
Being a Muslim, they can no longer value their lives 4 being the hideous killers that they themselves had hated so much. C, they are becoming like the ones they despised the most. Sadly, They have become Slayers of not armies n heavily armed soldiers, but instead helpless defenseless Civilians. So, they deserve to kill the innocents in order to inflict the pains of losing the innocence to the west. Why? For their backings of course, be it financially n foremost weaponry of course. N the thunderous applause when Zionist Jewish armies vanquished not Muslims Brave, Babies for God sake. Can I have your baby dog n ripped it to pieces right there under your nose! What would u have felt. N it is only a pet. Get my point, Old man?
Any more questions boys n girls?
Here kitty, kitty, r u goin to pounce on my lies now girl?
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