Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Overture

Shaming the Muslims Out of Islam (by Telling the Truth)

Posted by Bill Warner on 7/22/09 • Categorized as Op-Ed

August 3, 2009 • 10:55 am

ibnsahr u wrote why do muslims use explosive to make their point. You tell me which muslims used explosives to make a point prior to 9/11. Terrorism and suicide bombers existed well before the muslims started it an one of the first Was from the nation of cuba. An guess wot its a christian country. Than you got ira of ireland who fight using explosives. These are extreme religious terrorism. An guess what they are christians. You seem to find it justifiable that the most powerful nations can do whatever they wish. But u dont seem to discover an you cant coordiene to the fact that it is there nations that are makin people of iraq an cfganistan to do these acts where by even children are prepared to die because they got no life. When they wake up in the morning they hear bombs an when they sleep at night they hear bombs. An srizal can you stop all these posts which are meaningless to the post
August 3, 2009 • 11:39 am

good on ya LS, srizals is what i called shaming muslim out of their own,LOL

you don’t get me do you, i said:
***why they use explosive as a device to make their point, as such thing only used in war, islam will always at war untill all religion in the world for satan alone***

since you always makes an excuse about war context, im trying to tell you, islam will always at war until all religion for allah aka satan alone, so those verses are valid as you are at war to make islam domination, be it mental or physical war. so you denying yoursef when you say muslim not at war now.

i agree with you about terorism before islam and ira, but can you find any verses in NT, about what should we do when we at war, like in quran hand book for war, look those irish government they start join government, and you still blow each other up in the mosque in iraq, you said there will be 70 sects of islam in future, imagine these sectarian killing will be, muslim out there, islam is a curse!

you told us to red al-nissa, the chapter that dedicated to women’s right, but 2/3 of it filled with hatred and agitaed verses towards non believers, why allah aka satan put verses in wrong contex?

and why such the teaching from religion of peace will make someone willing to blow themself up, as all suicide bomber are muslims? (for last two decades)
August 3, 2009 • 12:56 pm

Oh, sadly…I’m not gettin through U, aren’t I. 15 mins 2 8:00. Well, U r very lucky 2day man. Read up my comments plz. No, not the quotations, ME!

Muslims are not in wars with u guys ok! That’s why u gotta live n lied n dehumanizing our God, sorry, dehumanizing Christian’s god, n gets away with it, ok, Taghut! Kapish?

Well, for starters, their enemies got 2 use, well, the state of the art of explosives, Mother of all bombs aka little nukes on Afghanistan, bunker busters aka human incinerators hiding from them, Civilians in fear of their safety with their children of course, Sicko! Nukes 4 the brave Japanese, Hideous white phosporous n depleted uranium bombs etc. etc. inflicted such much pain n misery to Muslims. Hey Retard! Muslims are one people, Stupido! Kill a Muslim, n everyone in the Muslim Nations feels their agony and anguish, Why? Those slain ones are WE! U don’t get it eh? Mule skinner?
Its the TERRORIST man that’s killin all of ya now 4 making their own point, a in the hole, sorry dear readers, I’m no longer can tolerate my student, ibnshar’s ridiculous stupidity! (N I don’t think he’s the kind of a reader that knows about skimming n scanning 2 coz, c, he’s a drunkard n consumers of Eaters of vile, that’s causing even the non pork eaters to die because of Swine flus, hushh, hush, now, I don’t think he’s reading my writing in this parentheses either, coz he’s thinking that he is so s m a r t s c h m u c k sss, shhh ok?) Catch u later guys…
August 3, 2009 • 1:20 pm

Stop being stupid n act like a questioner, N I’ll promise 2 treat u like my pet monkey ok?
August 3, 2009 • 1:42 pm

NT or OT, ahh…of course….Well it is not a complete sets of well, like everything there is 2 know on dealing with our lives, our enemies, our friends, our wives, our babies, ourselves, our sinners, our money, our dignity, our spermatozoa, our reproductive system, our menstruation questions, ops, sorry, the girls’ menstruation questions,….etc. etc. there is to know about a human being n his world, everything there is 2 know, EVERYTHING regarding mankind n his world, n his conducts. (Go ahead ask me!)….need I go on?

Your NT is not even a set of rules guiding Christians the right way! Geezz. No wonder they were smiling all the time when killin babies, n gunning down children n raping women, torturing people, bombing here n there especially defenseless civilians with nukes, fancy bombs n then like a cry baby yellin 2 the world, not fair! not fair! the terrorist gotta kill us 2, they gotta kill us 2, foul! foul! Referee! REFEREE!

In, well like almost throughout the worlds (especially when dealing with us Asians, ermmm…I wonder why? The Germans were more hideous than the Japanese. They never bombed civilians in mass like the Germans but they gotta get the little mushrooms over their cities but the Germans got the Berlin walls…Hmmm. I’m wondering why?? Any Asians in here?) n all over the times throughout the histories of man, even right till now. Thx my student. Well, they did say that a teacher must also learn from their students. Thanks, Syukran, Arigato gon zarimas, Terima kasih, Neanderthal!

(My mind is wondering like mad now why do Christian Westerners like to torture, rape, burn, poison, kill indiscriminately Asians, rather than their own brethren baby killers…hmm…gotta post this in somewhere else 2 it seems, like always)

August 3, 2009 • 2:14 pm

ibnsahr are you just tryin to act dumb or are you. If muslims are attacked an invaded by foreign people do u think they will just standby an watch. Lets look at the last decade alone on wars. U got gulf war. Was it islam that started this war. No it was the lust of a tyrant. Look at iraq an afganistan. Was it muslims that started it. Look at bosnia an kosovo. These people only wanted their freedom but they got massacared for it. Look at the war in lebanon. People lost their lives because 3 israli solders got captured for trespassin. Look at was in palestine. This seems to be an everlasting was. Now you tell me which one was started by muslims. None at all. All were started by christians an keys. None by muslims. Now your tellin me why are muslims always at was. I answer you by because the christians bring was to them. Now lets look at before 9/11 were muslims at was wit other nations. The answer is no. Russia tried to invade afgan but americans didnt like it so they gave weapons an so on an than a decade later they invaded. Now did there afgan people start the was. Look at the bigger picture. An even before that muslims were in no wars. But it was christians fightin ww1 an 2. Look at the bigger picture. Muslims dont start wars it is u that starts the wars. The problem with u that you cant accept muslims being one brotherhood. Thats why in news you dont say the country followed by terrogsit but u say muslim or islamic terrorist. This is just another way for people to start hating islam. In regards to an nisa i asked people to read that as it contains womans rights. Your tellin me to look at the new testament in regards to was- why dont you look at it yourself an read what jesus says to the keys. If u would read it you would find that jesus said to his people that he came to this world not to spread peace but to spread the sword. An he further goes to say that i havent come to change the existing laws but to fulfill them. Thereby indicating that the law of moses is the law the christians must follow. So if u read the old testament it is full of acts of war that are very explicit. This is why in the new testament there is noting about was because jesus has already said that in regards to that the old testament should be followed. Now there are jesus direct words not the word of paul matthew or any other disciple.. But the words of jesus. I have to emphasis that because marie will say something completely in her own words
August 3, 2009 • 2:17 pm

This is my message 2 all the men with guns, n bombs. Kill one another. I’m not going 2 stop U anyway!
You, all of you are blinded by your hatred. N you are so arrogant that U won’t listen to your own teacher of course!
Do kill one another, Stop bringing us the civilians in the bloodbath! Have U no shame? Brave Cowards! Bleed n die with your own blood on your uniforms, not of those that never ever could even inflict any harm on you, Brave soldiers!

To the terrorist, stop killing the civilians, U r givin Islam a bad name. Now everyone is associating Islam with U morons! Stop killing babies, children, women, men n start fighting your private little wars far from civilians. U have ashamed us! What will you say in front of The Teacher of teachers, our beloved Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.? What is your excuse in front of Allah. Are you that invincible like the Christians n Jews that are willing to enter Hell for several days n then got out of it. Is a day in the Hereafter the same with our present time? U know it isn’t. Stop your wrong ways. You are becoming like the ones that u have hated most! You are becoming baby killers, Just like them…At least if you wanna fight n die, die in dignity my brothers not as a murderer of the innocents. You are giving me a hard time defending Islam throughout the WorldWide web. You are shaming us. Stop it. Come to your senses. Sharbini’s blood is on your hands 2. You are causing the hatred of the deluded Westerners that like always got balls 2 fight n engage our women, children n old ones. Do u wanna be like them, cowards?
Are not God fearing? Do u wanna be like the people of the book that read the book but without any heed to it at all. Do u really think that u can stand the torment of Hell fire with the ones u hated most. U gotta be with them in the end, don’t u guys understand it my brothers that had wrong themselves. Please I beg it stop the killing of the innocence. Plz…
August 3, 2009 • 2:28 pm

Come 2 your senses….I pray for it…Do not transgress remember??? Do not create chaos when Allah had bring orders n peace throughout the world. Islam means peace, right? Or have U forgotten about it my brothers. Stop it! Enough! Don’t be like them.

When the IRA, Irguns, Japanese Red Armies, Soviets, Khmer Rouge, Hutu, etc. etc. Klu Klax klan, Roman Armies, slaughtered babies, n terrorized everyone, none claimed they were Muslims terrorist, None labelled them so quickly like they did with Islam n Muslims of course.

But now…these hypocrite, twister of the truth, All liar deep to the bone, gotta load of hate bullets 2 fire on n lying 2 the not so willing to read n understand about the world that they live in. They only think about their stomach, their genitals’ requirements, n their fancy cars n house. N then got to die in peace in their beds, completely isolated from the world, tuck in safely in their little stinky box that these froggies called my home. We have a Malay saying about the deluded bunch that is completely ignorant about the outside world as, A frog that lives under the coconut shell. Completely oblivious to the vast outside world. Are U a frogie?
August 3, 2009 • 3:52 pm

My Muslim brother that had betrayed themselves n that had forgotten who they are really are. You are not followers of Judaism. You are not followers of Christianity. You are not followers of Atheist.
Never did Allah promised your martydom by killing those that had not fight you n drive u out of your homes. Remember. Read Al Quran my brothers, Read n truly understand the verses of wars. The conducts of wars. You are one of them. The transgressors. The bloody baby killers, slayers of the weak. There is no honour whatsoever in killing the weak, the helpless ones, the cute babies, the gentle toddlers, there’s no honour at all my brothers. Please turn yourself in to Islamic Authorities. If U r afraid that U r goin 2 be turn over to Gitmo. Retreat yourself in isolation and repent to Allah, n may He has mercy on you and forgive your transgressions and willing to grant U mercy. Stop acting like Americans, Stop acting like Jews. Stop acting like them. U r not one of them. U r one of us.
U even killed your Muslims brothers n sisters n their children when U attacked the civilians remember? Do U wanna be like the Crusaders when they ‘liberated’ Jerusalem from the peaceful hands of Muslims thousands of miles away from Europe and massacred all it inhabitants even the Christians n priests and said that God will forgive them and knows his own. Are you that mentally sick my brothers. Trust me! You don’t wanna be like them proud killers, fighters of the weak.
Have patience my brother, Allah is with those who are able to control themselves, able to restraint themselves, remember? Who declared a holy war on the behalf of the Muslim Nations worldwide. Who nuke us my brothers. Threats are not actual deeds. Yes, Yes I know about their threats of nuking Mekah n Madinah n even all cities of Muslim Nations throughout the world. What do U expect my brothers. They are rebellious transgressors. They are descendents of monkeys n has no relationship at all with the first holy man created by Allah s.w.t, Nabi Adam a.s. that even the mighty and great Angels bowed down to him in humiliation. Remember?

They are descendants of monkeys. N like monkeys they have no remorse, no sense at all whatsoever. Their logic is their god, Their logic is their rules. Me gotta live, Me gotta have it all. Me gotta prosper with your blood, your lands, your oil, your natural resources. You gotta die, You gotta lose it all, You gotta live in misery n poverty. U don’t even deserve to live n prosper in your own land and don’t gotta use your own wealth natural resources because they are pirates, looter, killers throughout the centuries n they are proud of it my brother.
The Japanese had million times apologies for its atrocities but never we heard such apologies from our former Oppressors, Slayers n Looters, don’t we. They are the same. The same with the Zionist. The ever hungry chauvinistic arrogant proud bunch that wanted it all just exclusively 4 themselves n their kind only. The rest is trash.
They are the dwellers of Hell fire. Don’t be with them my brother. Trust me! Don’t degrade themselves to their level. Now n in the Hereafter. Don’t suffer with them. Have patience my brother.
Remember! Fighting is our last resort. It doesn’t matter they had massacred our weak ones. Don’t U believe in Allah’s retribution anymore. They gotta live 4ever in damnation of the eternal fire that will burn n burn again n again 4 eternity never dying, never living ever in excruciating pain, discomfort, thirst, hunger forgotten by Allah. N U my brother gotta witness their miseries n suffering just like now, laughing at our miseries. They r going to get their turn. Don’t U believe in Allah anymore my brother. Enough! There’s too many bloodshed in this world. Don’t ashamed us in front of the Angels. Enough plz… You are not Goyyim, the cattle people like the Zionist had called the gentiles. U are a Muslim, Eater of everything that is pure n good. Act like one. Don’t act like eaters of eaters of vile.
If u don’t believe me people. Let’s make an experiment. Enclosure A. A cow. Enclosure B. A pig. Feed them both with maggot filled carcasses of anything u can find. N do shits in pails n put them on both enclosures. Within 4 weeks, the cow in enclosure A is eaten by the pig in Enclosure B, that got out of Enclosure A attracted to the stench of the dead bone cow starved to death without any decent food. Got my point now children. Good. Class end. Time 2 think on you own. Get some exercise 4 your brain 2. Your neurons are depleting as faster than be4 with your blind hate, booze n of course the delicious ham….eyak;;;;
August 3, 2009 • 6:15 pm

Enclosure A. A cow. Enclosure B. A pig , Enclosure A ( Kafir ) , Enclosure B( Muslim )
August 3, 2009 • 6:20 pm

Pigs , I am sorry , I did not mean to degrade you by equating you with Muslims.
August 3, 2009 • 8:01 pm

What a long and boring circular reasoning and useless speech (as always contains insult to other faiths or people), He/she thinks that the terrorist is the only problem. The terrorist won’t listen to you (you are murtad according to them).
You forget catfish. Catfish eat shit and they are halal.

“Pigs , I am sorry , I did not mean to degrade you by equating you with Muslims.”

Speaking of pigs, the swine flu has attacked saudi arabia (pedo mo’s birthplace). The pigs strike back.
August 3, 2009 • 11:24 pm

Moo, I’m speaking of an animal (the only animal with hoofs) that naturally would always consume vile n filth. The Coptic Christians in Egypt made it clear on this, by rearing their swine on dump sites. If U carry this experiment on a cat fish, the result would also be as in the later one. We did the experiment Moo…b4 jerking of lies like U guys. We are scientific thinkers u know, not like U, barkers of lies that don’t even bother 2 check out whether the lies r good enough 2 even baffled the Muslims. Mangkuk Hayun!

Can U not compare a husband with a pedo, Moo. If not I would have 2 start a new sex n crimes lesson with U, a creature with a name of a sound of a cow. Hope U don’t have horns like them 2. N of course a dangling big bell on your neck, Goyyim!

Arp, Why did U call us with the name of your favourite food? It baffles me. U love to eat those sweet pigs n yet u used it as a derogatory remarks all the time. Have U no shame eating things that U despise??
R u a stupid hypocrite? Have U check your brain lately? Do U even know how 2 read n write? Do U need my help, a in a hole, bigger, much, much bigger than ibnsahr. N I thought he is the only one in the class that belongs 2 the low achiever’s category. Sorry Arp or twisted warp kinda reasoning of a depleted neuron of a puny brain, that always confused easily with his teachers’ instructions.

It’s rude 2 cut in conversations. Why do U care? U r not one of us. U can never understand the mind of the brains that never touched swine n booze or newly converted Muslims that had stop consuming them. Their brainwaves improved much, much better than the likes of U. Our neuron count r not the same with U, Mr Drunkard Ham eater!
Geezzz, When will I meet with my worthy adversary. These are buffoons, the cousins of baboon. Ops, sorry. I didn’t mean to degrade the wise baboon. I take it back. Continue lessons after this. Your shot.
August 4, 2009 • 12:40 am

Sorry, no, they are not newly converted Muslims. They ARE Muslims, that had return to their original states n functions. My deepest apologies, my brothers n sisters. U are one of us. Not less, even more. The events n things that u have endured n had to endure in the returning process n even after, would embarrass even the born Muslims. I am your secret admire, lovely brothers n sisters, no matter how far n even if we would never crossed path. I’m eagerly looking forward to meet all of you in the eternal gardens where rivers flow beneath them. Maybe our path will cross in Mekah n Madinah during our Haj pilgrimage. I truly pray for it.

Plz think of me in your prayers for I will always think of all of you, my beloved brothers n sisters throughout the world. Blessed U.
Assalamu’alaikum w.b.t. my siblings that I would never meet. Maybe we can meet in the Worldwide Web. May we have lots of conversations in the Hereafter. Amin, amin Ya Rabbal’alamin. Grant us paradise, O Lord of the Worlds. To You only matters are returned. Grant us the beautiful everlasting paradise. Where its inhabitants do not have 2 do anything except enjoying themselves, being younger n younger with the passing of time, stronger n stronger, happier n happier, eating and drinking without the urges to go to the loo n even sweat of aromatic perfume. Eternally blessed with beautiful trees n flowers, abundance of fruits, tame pet animals without their pooh n the need to change their diapers, of course and other comforts and luxuries with none of the curses and worthless conversations of the haters, liars, criminals and disbelievers. We are free from them.
Have faith my siblings. The time will come. Allah the all mighty, the only God, is with us. Allah would never broke His covenant with us. It is us that kept on breaking our promises to Him n yet He always shows His restraints even if He wanted to, He could easily turned us all into hideous creatures, blind, deaf and dumb. Alhamdulillah. Have mercy O God,on all of us. He was and is with us all along. Watching over us. Helping us. Guiding us all the time.
August 4, 2009 • 5:09 am

To all cowardly haters, stupid liars, kind observers, wise thinkers, n last but not least, Mr n Mrs Dullard that’s trying to show how stupid they are, sorry, how stupid I am, take note. I am not a simpleton, a single layered cognitive processing being, safely isolated from everything kind of a brain. Do come at me with your stupid ridicules n curses n I would gladly return the favour. Double the fold, of course!

I am a Malay Brave. I have charms (Al Quran n Genuine Hadith in my heart) that made me invincible to your stupid curses and vile attacks. And of course, my special ability to execute my noesis without hurting much my heart and losing my nerve, my mettle and of course, without disrupting my alpha brainwave. The centre of my composure in facing the hideous haters and liars.

I would gladly be an alpha male n busy entertaining my wives n kids, but then again, my pure satisfaction comes in dealing with stupid cowards n liars that don’t even have the guts to reveal at least, who n where do they come from. Hmm. Typical. I mean, the characteristics of liars n haters, n of course cowards that fail even to demonstrate they have at least bioelectricity happening somewhere in their depleted neuron brain.

Well, it’s just me. At least this would divert my attention, my canon from bewildered unthankful chauvinistic greedy Chinese n Indians, well, gladly not all of them, except a little exception of morons. N I am glad of it. Don’t compare my true Hindu, real peaceful and gentle Buddhist, dignified Christian friends n even my wise atheist friends with those guys, the ‘a in the hole’ of the world. They are not the same Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Atheists, the crazy n deluded bunch that dwell not in the lands of the Malay. They are completely the opposite. N they deserve my disciplinary action.

Come at me with genuine questions n behave yourself by not degrading my faith, my God which is also the only God and don’t come up with stupid remarks such as pedo n other vile words or phrases towards my prophet n trying to dehumanize my beloved prophet or other Goyyimshits that U can cook up using your low count of neuron, corrupted brain with booze n ham. I would gladly entertain u guys with honour n respect.
Do it not, the risk is yours to take.

In here, my comments were deleted out of indecencies of my language. At Cranmer’s blog, he said it was because they contain lyrics of songs. N I thought music is ‘forbidden’ to us Muslims eh? This is my hobby you see. You can’t beat anyone in their hobby. U better check your understanding n your facts b4 barking them proudly in here or anywhere else for that matter. I’m just one guy. An average Joe. It would take me some time to track U down in the Worldwide Web. Oh, I am going to hunt U down.

Show your wits, not your shits. Mind my language you guys n my sisters. I beg your pardon.
The duel of the mind is not new to me, be forewarned.

Come to me O liars, all of U, united, discussing how to debunk me in your fancy offices. Come at me. Come on. One on one. Sorry, not fair. Hundreds on one. Fair now?

Come to me and face your slayer. It is a good day to die. I am a human being, a brother of the Indian Braves of the Great Plains stolen from them n now known as the USA. (Compensation? Duuh! Give them back their dignity and compensate them with billions of dollars. It makes no difference! U are going to lose your money to some smart Jewish ponzies n bailouts n in Zionist wars that you r dying 4 anyway, ‘a in the hole’!
N do compensate the rest of mankind n nations inflicted with miseries, brutalities n even near extinction events bcoz of U, while U r at it. Gezzz.)
I’m still wandering when would Great Britain be great enough to apologized n compensate the Commonwealth. Maybe then they can keep the lands of Scots, English, Irish, Wales to themselves n chase out all the Muslims and Asians that they are so afraid of polluting their Christian lands and sharing their, of course, undeserved wealth. Why? They were looters of free nations back then, in the colonialism days. They were the imperialist oppressors! Can’t U see why they were so proud n snobbish? They were the Master of slaves. Subduer of Nations, Looters of Nations’ wealth. Remember the tin n iron ore that helped U built your civilizations, during the Industrial Revolution? They came from my land ‘a in the hole’. They stole them, our blessed natural resources not meant for them, and of course, for their fat, ever hungry belly n now they are so afraid of others, taking the wealth, which is not rightly theirs anyway (built on the blood n wealth of Asians n Muslims, of course) back from them. Typical. What goes around comes around.
The Commonwealth? What’s common any way? Since all the wealth had already been stolen by the Great Britain!

I am a teacher. But foremost, I am a holy warrior of Allah. I am a Malay Brave. Proud descendant of butchers of the heavily armed soldiers n mercenaries of the Portuguese, the Dutch pirates, and of course the British, well, most of the time it was their Gurkha n Indian slave soldiers who got to die on their behalf. I am not like U, descendants of nukers, bombers, killers of the weak. Unashamed Terminators of millions of civilians. Vulnerable n unarmed. U r descendants of cowardly baby killers! I am a descendant of heavily armed giant killers. We are fearless. Mark my words. If you still think that we were and are baby killers just like UuU, go and ask your elderly n look up in your history books. N U will find out that the word terrorist was invented by the Jewish Zionist! N most, no, ALL of the hideous genocides were inflicted on humanity by U. Have U no shame? Why r U still keeping Ur nukes anyway? U gloated that the cold war had ended n U were victorious right? Well, back then we were allies, of course.

I’m taking my time in responding to your lies n mockery. A wise beautiful woman of chaste of the west had advised me on something. N I’m taking her prudent counsel.
August 4, 2009 • 6:42 am

Salam londonspirit,
Nothing is meaningless 2 me. What do U expect, LS? Let them gloat that no Muslims can debunk them?
I am a member of the followers of the ways of Muhammad, the union of Muslims. As sunnah wal jama’ah. It doesn’t really matter what U n the rest of the readers think of me or my actions here. Maybe 4 U guys, it’s futile.
For me. Reaping rewards from Allah as many as I can get, 4 defending Him, His religion, His love, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w on your behalf. Whether U like it or not.

U can leave LS if U want 2. It doesn’t make a difference if I’m just the only one Muslim scorned by millions of atheists n Christians n others in here. I am totally different from U.
C, I am an Asian, I am a Malay. I am a man. I think differently from a Westerner, Other Asians, n of a woman, trust me. N I’m not even a native speaker of the Crown’s English. But I’m doing my best to wipe off the smiles on their faces.

There is a Malay saying that I want to share with you londonspirit, Silence is Consent. Hope U can be here with me. Cause C, I’m everywhere now in the hate blogs, lying webs of the Worldwide Web. Yes, it is tiring. But the satisfaction I felt after all that, is a feeling only U and Muslims would know n never will the astray know of it.
If U won’t help me, don’t stop me. If U feel tired or r losing it, take a break, have a kit kat. Go somewhere nice, n be back here after a few days of rest. I know, the brain didn’t stop thinking of ideas of arguments. I keep them down by reciting Al Quran, Zikrullah, Solat, n of course playing n joking with my kids n wife n everyone in my life here.
Don’t make me lose my rhythm with these guys. I’m not in your way, don’t be on mine.

Let me remind U, why we were in this same place anyway. Of course we are two different individual Muslims. Our cause may also be different if it’s not almost the same. It doesn’t even make a difference if we can’t help each other out, but I would be sad, of course. Remember londonspirit if U doubt my cause:

Glorious is the One in whose hand is the Kingdom (of the whole universe), and He is powerful over every thing,

the One who created death and life, so that He may test you as to which of you is better in his deeds. And He is the All-Mighty, the Most-Forgiving,

If U noticed, I’m not going 2 play their games, I’m playing my own game. Haven’t U figured it out LS?
Boudica and her armies, hugely outnumbering the dreaded Christian Roman Armies were annihilated by them for falling to their traps. Lured by their tricks. Playing according to their rules. N of course, succumbed to defeat to the much smaller Roman armies.

Hmm..I don’t think Boudica was a Christian back then. So, why are the Christians proudly declared that European were Christian lands since ages. Do they have any proof? I mean b4 the Roman brought Christianity to them? Hmm…this is interesting.

U can reach me by this email,
If U want 2 say something 2 me. Thanks, 4 being here.
August 4, 2009 • 9:46 am

Hello! Why are taking so much time to moderate my comments?
August 4, 2009 • 11:03 am

Have they passed your screening yet? Hello!
August 4, 2009 • 11:10 am

It starts with
One thing I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away

It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn’t even know
Or wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn’t even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn’t even matter

One thing, I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how

I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised

It got so far
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn’t even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn’t even matter

I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There’s only one thing you should know

I’ve put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There’s only one thing you should know

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn’t even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn’t even matter
August 4, 2009 • 11:19 am

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

There’s something inside me
That pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear
Is never ending, controlling

I can’t seem to find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence)
(I’m convinced that there’s)
(Just too much pressure to take)
I’ve felt this way before so insecure

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

Discomfort, endlessly has pulled
Itself upon me distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It’s haunting how I can’t seem

To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence)
(I’m convinced that there’s)
(Just too much pressure to take)
I’ve felt this way before so insecure

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real

Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing, confusing what is real

There’s something inside me
That pulls beneath the surface
(Confusing what is real)
This lack of self control I fear
Is never ending, controlling
(Confusing what is real)
August 4, 2009 • 11:32 am

N of course, last but not least,

In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no Alibi
‘Cause I’ve Drawn Regret
From the truth
Of a Thousand Lies

So let Mercy Come
And Wash Away

what i`ve Done
I’ve faced myself
To Cross out what I’ve Become
Erase Myself
And let Go of What I’ve done

Put to rest
What you Thought of Me
While I clean this Slate
With the Hands of Uncertainty



For What I’ve Done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m Forgiving What I’ve Done


What I’ve Done
Forgiving What I’ve Done

Delete these songs n I would just made a new posting on my blog with the title, Songs forbidden by Atheist, Ex Muslims Atheist to be precise on (I’m helping u on promoting this blog guys)
While I’m cutting n pasting these songs, I’ve listened to the songs, of course. Just like the quotations of Al Quran, don’t just read the translated writings, it won’t make sense. Listen to it 2. Especially by Saad Said Al Ghamidy. Go ahead, its better than these songs that I’ve posted in here. The effect is mind blowing and yet soothing to the mind and soul. Trust me.
August 4, 2009 • 11:36 am

Come on start over again. It’s still not too late. What do U gotta lose? Paradise?
August 4, 2009 • 11:42 am

*** This seems to be an everlasting was. Now you tell me which one was started by muslims. None at all. All were started by christians an keys. None by muslims. Now your tellin me why are muslims always at was. I answer you by because the christians bring was to them.***

seems like you agree with me, that muslim in everlasting war, so stop trying to deny it by saying those in context of war, as islam always at war, incld. with your other sects. And what about the one back from 636 when muslim armies conquered syria until now?

now you tell me if islam spread by war, show me any religion or nation attacking islam before the first caliph, so who is bring the war to humanity?

how many times you have to be told, (that’s stubborn) those were war in the name of nations not religion, thats why, one muslim nation get attacked in mid east, you will get some idiot like srizals, who live half world away, never even met some palestines, but willing to blow himself up, for promise of blowup dolls under the tree, and somewhere only he knows.

***The problem with u that you cant accept muslims being one brotherhood. ***

what about when iraq try to occupied kuwait, what about what happened in iraqi mosque on the news section, what about 70 sects of islam you talking about, but only one islam is right?
the one is right, is the one that do the fighting as prescribed in your porn book, even if you don’t like it ($fill out : the verse$) (i give you quran trivia) islam is a curse!

***he came to this world not to spread peace but to spread the sword. An he further goes to say that i havent come to change the existing laws but to fulfill them***

this is the only verse that always presented by muslim, not many more.
yo, you can pick any verse from quran cause its stand alone verse, so when you talking out of contex, what context, its got no relation from above and after, may be some do, but most dont,

why dont you read bible yourself and tell me if that chapter is like story or what?, jesus says following him is not easy, people against you. And as you may have read it on bible, pray for the one whose prosecuted you (NOT ATTACKING BACK), how easy you think that is?

So, go to the very basic, ask yourself, why should i believe (something from above) a religion that teach war, love their own but not others, the war is human language not god, so you have mistaken.

if you believe god is almighty, look at this irony in your verse, it says: “they look but they dont understand”, could it be the real god tell satan to insert that verse, for the sake of irony?, or
for shaming muslim out of islam

btw, you havent explained to me about, why such the teaching from religion of peace will make someone willing to blow themself up for indiscriminate killing, as all suicide bomber are muslims?

Please,please.. enlight my ignorance, for not finding the connection between peaceful religious teaching and blow themself up to hurt others.
August 4, 2009 • 11:43 am

my post above for LS
August 4, 2009 • 12:43 pm

Well, of course, I’ll let U off the hook 4 badmouthing me, but plz remember what I’ve said earlier. Yes, yes, U r starting to talk like U r using Ur brain finally.
August 4, 2009 • 3:42 pm


I submit my hopes to You, O Lord of all creation,
Though I am, O The Provider, Most Generous, a sinner,

When my heart is hardened, and my life is constricted,
I turn to my submission as the way to Your pardon,
Thus when You, The All-forgiving, wipe clean my continuing sins,
Your gift and Your clemency is a boon and an exaltation to me.

Is it not You who nourishes me, guides me?
Therefore cease not your benevolence and bounty to me,
May those who have obtained excellence forgive me my trespass,
And parade not my wrongdoings and things that have passed.

Should You forgive me, O Lord, absolve me of my treachery,
My injustice, that will be pardoned not on the day when grief is recollected,
But should you recompense my wrongs with your torment, still I will not lose hope,
Even as my trespass lands me in the Fire.

I submit my hopes to You, O Lord of all creation,

Though I am, O The Provider, Most Generous, a sinner,
When my heart is hardened, and my life is constricted,
I turn to my submission as the way to Your pardon,
Thus when You, The All-forgiving, wipe clean my continuing sins,
Your gift and Your clemency is a boon and an exaltation to me.

He is the one who speaks only in remembrance of his Lord,
And when he is with others in this world, he is silent,
Thus he says, “O my love, You are the One I beseech to, on Whom I place my faith,
Enough is You for those in need for their dependence and their pleas”.
Thus I defend my love, though they be tainted with worldly lust,
Thus I protect this promise of devotion, marred though they may be,

In my waking moments, I pine for You, In my slumber, I hope for You,
Walking beside me, full of hope,
Thus though my sins are mountainous, then and now,
But your mercy for your creation, are greater and holier than that

I submit my hopes to You, O Lord of all creation,

Though I am, O The Provider, Most Generous, a sinner,
When my heart is hardened, and my life is constricted,
I turn to my submission as the way to Your pardon,
Thus when You, The All-forgiving, wipe clean my continuing sins,
Your gift and Your clemency is a boon and an exaltation to me.

Another songs 2 soothe the souls while waiting for arguments. Again it makes no sense just by reading it, without letting our ears listen 2 its beauty. Cheers!
August 4, 2009 • 5:00 pm

New blood joins this earth
And quickly he’s subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on, he’s known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they’ll take away

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never be
Never see
Won’t see what might have been

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives
To running all of his
He tries to please them all
This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same
He’s battled constantly
This fight he cannot win
A tired man they see no longer cares
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully
That old man here is me

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never be
Never see
Won’t see what might have been

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never be
Never see
Won’t see what might have been

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labelled me
I’ll label you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

You labelled me
I’ll label you
So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

11.59 p.m. in the lands of the Malay. It has just stopped raining. The tranquility is astonishing, as always.
August 4, 2009 • 5:31 pm

Lay beside me
Tell me what they’ve done
Speak the words I wanna hear
To make my demons run
The door is locked now
But it’s open if you’re true
If you can understand the me
Then I can understand the you

Lay beside me under wicked sky
Through black of day, dark of night
We share this pair of lives
The door cracks open
But there’s no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still
But there’s no sun shining through
No, there’s no sun shining through
No, there’s no sun shining

What I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
‘Cause I’m the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Come lay beside me
This won’t hurt, I swear
She loves me not
She loves me still
But she’ll never love again
She lay beside me
But she’ll be there when I’m gone
Black heart scarring darker still
Yes, she’ll be there when I’m gone
Yes, she’ll be there when I’m gone
Dead sure she’ll be there

What I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
‘Cause I’m the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?

Lay beside me, tell me what I’ve done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes, now I see it

What I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?

Yeah, what I’ve felt, what I’ve known
So sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there
‘Cause I’m the one who waits
The one who waits for you

Oh, what I’ve felt, what I’ve known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?
So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, what I’ve felt
Oh, what I’ve known
I take this key and I bury it in you
Because you’re unforgiven too

Never free, never me
‘Cause you’re unforgiven too, oh
August 4, 2009 • 6:00 pm

So close, no matter how far
Couldn’t be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don’t just say
And nothing else matters

Yeah, trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close, no matter how far
Couldn’t be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know, that’s right

Never opened myself this way
And life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don’t just say
And nothing else matters, yeah

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for things they say
Never cared for games they play
I never cared for what they do
I never cared for what they know
And I know, yeah yeah yeah

U can never out shamed the ones that already in the truth. All the proof would only shows how wrong U r.
I think I’ve done enough here. Gotta go wield my keris and stab on lies and hatred some where else like so, all over the Worldwide Web. Tiring. But satisfying. Why? I’ve told U, I’m a holy warrior of Allah. I have sold my soul n blood 4 His cause. It doesn’t matter if I die or perish unknowingly by others, in the process or whatever the mere humans think of me. My Lord is enough for me. I’m choosing Him out of U guys. U can’t guarantee me Paradise, now can U? So, why would I listened 2 U in the first place? I’m not going to gamble my afterlife n pray that if I die, when I die, I would be reborn 2 be a Tyrannosaurus Rex or just a mere fertilizers 4 the plants. I don’t want to be just like the swine. Dead end. It is just not me. Play nice now. Gotta go. Do check out the truth, n the songs n Al Quran, they are beautiful, U will be richer n happier than Madoff, trust me! See Ya!
Join me in the battlefield of the brains n wits.. 4 now. I do pray Ur leaders r not that stupid to nuke us. The mighty Muslim Nations that love death more than U guys love this life. Why? 4 Heaven of course, I don’t belong here on this earth, I don’t believe BELINDA CARLISE “Heaven Is A Place On Earth”. Why? With all the babies blown to bits, this can’t be heaven. U see, this is the logic of the people who called themselves, Muslim, those who submits themselves to the will of the true God, the one n only, since the beginning of time, n of course, till the end of it. Stop Mr Alpha brain. U have done enough harm 2 this blog. Let’s go n pick up fights with other snobbish arrogant liars that think they are 2 smart 4 their own good. I love cutting their lies 2 pieces.
August 4, 2009 • 6:13 pm

As a departing gift,
My final arguments in this blog, I hope.

Sundown all around
Walking thru the summers end
Waves crash baby, don’t look back
I won’t walk away again

Oh, baby, anywhere you go,
We are bound together
I begin, baby, where you end
Some things are forever !

Circle in the sand
round and round
Never ending love is what we’ve found
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need
Circle in the sand

Cold wind, tide moves in
Shiver in the salty air
Day breaks, my heart aches
I will wait for you right here.

Oh, baby when you look for me
Can you see forever ?
I begin baby, where you end
We belong together

Circle in the sand
round and round
Rising of the moon as the sun goes down
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need
Circle in the sand
Circle in the sand

Baby can you hear me ?
Can you hear me calling ?

1:06 a.m. after midnight. Gotta see my maker in private unseen, unknown by anyone. Well, just U guys, my friends n enemies in the Worldwide Web, thousands of miles away from me sharing this temporary home of ours. When the killing stops, So does the Terrorist. Why? U have taken away their motivation that drives them in the first place, Geezz. Didn’t U guys studied all these in Ur schools in your fully developed countries? It’s as simple as ABC.
August 4, 2009 • 6:27 pm

But vampires, that thrives on corpse of babies, human sacrifices, showering the blood of the innocents on earth to make it fertile, n of course cowardly looters of other people’s lands and tyranny deep to their bones would not have wanted this to happened n kept on tying the hearts of Ur leaders with money, that follows with it powerr, influence n dignity under the eyes of mere humans but never by God. The choice is yours.
August 4, 2009 • 7:41 pm

“We did the experiment Moo…b4 jerking of lies like U guys. We are scientific thinkers u know, not like U, barkers of lies that don’t even bother 2 check out whether the lies r good enough 2 even baffled the Muslims. Mangkuk Hayun!”

AAHHHH, at last a scientific muslim!!!!! Let’s see who is the barker of lies here. Are you ready to take my challenge?
Invent NEW scientific facts straight from quran (no other sources allowed) and announce it all around the world. OK? Now bring the first verse

About jerking off lies. Is it you that always lie, muslim? Your theory and reality never match. So next time bring something real. Ok, big mouth?

“U love to eat those sweet pigs n yet u used it as a derogatory remarks all the time. Have U no shame eating things that U despise??”

The perfect example of dickhead muslim, no matter who you are, you always do that aren’t you? No, you are wrong i’m not a fan of pigs let alone eating it. Wrong again muslim, next time use your brain before you speak like an idiot and show your true nature.
August 4, 2009 • 7:44 pm

Let’s see the reality here:
Japan: pork eating country – peaceful, humble, never boast and very advanced
Muslim: non pork eating countries – chaos, arrogance, always boast but never deliver and idiots
Wow how scientific!!!!!
August 4, 2009 • 7:47 pm

When reality comes, mouth fades away. Ok, big mouth. Your cheap tactic about that terrorist is very boring, show some real action, bullsh*tter!
August 4, 2009 • 7:51 pm

“Join me in the battlefield of the brains n wits.. 4 now. I do pray Ur leaders r not that stupid to nuke us. The mighty Muslim Nations that love death more than U guys love this life. Why? 4 Heaven of course, I don’t belong here on this earth,”

I already know that, a thug like you belong to the whores house of islamic heaven and ready to kill for it. Why this moron keep repeating something that is so boring.
August 4, 2009 • 7:55 pm

“Let’s go n pick up fights with other snobbish arrogant liars that think they are 2 smart 4 their own good. I love cutting their lies 2 pieces.”

I too love to cut muslim lies to pieces and watch them running like a rat, and their arrogance mouth, eeewwww, i can’t stand it. A dickhead like you who knows nothing about reality is the true liar.
August 4, 2009 • 8:08 pm

Pigs are haram because they appear to be dirty, but innards, goats, flies and all other foods that creates health problem are halal. How scientific!!!
August 4, 2009 • 8:14 pm

“With all the babies blown to bits, this can’t be heaven. U see, this is the logic of the people who called themselves, Muslim”

With all the muslim atrocities, this can’t be heaven. Heaven is the place that idiots, killers, and suicide bombers reside with semen lying around and never ending f**k (eternal free sex, truly hypocrites). The logic of muslim of course – logic of an animal.
August 4, 2009 • 8:26 pm

Hmm..Hemm,hhheemm (giggling of course like, as always, my Christians friends from Cranmer)

Mr. Moo,, U do agree with Muslims after all eh? Why didn’t u be like the wealthy ham eaters of the world Mr. Magoo?
Oh man, U should have not tempted me like this man. Are U really, really sure U wanna challenge me in this one, man, Science and Islam. U gonna be blown away by me man. Gezzz…haiii..Ignorant…
Ok, gentlemen of the west, observe!

Mr. Mooo, Rules of engagement, (I’m a Muslim, what do U expect my friends, we live on sets of rules not like U)

1. Introduce yourself 2 me first at least, Where do U come from?, What is Ur gender? N what do U do 4 a living?, n of course, how old are U my enemy on the battlefield of the pen? To double check whether Ur r lying or not, state the currencies of the three neighbouring countries nearer 2 U n of course, their favourite tourist attractions n unofficial languages used in those 3 countries.

1. As U have challenged me, U must after my rebuttals, answered Ur own challenge regarding Ur faith, or even if U don’t have one, U must specified what do U really believe in so that I can address my specific needs with U afterwards. U must also refer to the founder of Ur faith, n which house of thoughts U belong 2.

1. No alcohol level whatsoever in your blood stream, when U r talking 2 me. Why? It would be embarrassing 4 me of course, to debate with Mr. Drunkard that would of course, have clouded judgments n I don’t want to debate with a weakling like that. preserve my status as a slayer of liars, not merciless butcher of senseless drunkards’ babbling.

1. U have to apologies openly in this blog specifically referring 2 the Muslims, not me, 4 your hideous part in this stage of course, openly 2 our readers right here, right now n won’t run away n never 2 return here ashamed of yourself after I have stab my keris right there, right at the heart of your lies, N I have to have Ur words on it, by of course, giving me Ur email, or at least, Your Facebook accounts delivered 2 me via email if U r afraid 2 share it openly here. (still negotiable based on mutual agreements, of course if U don’t want to make Ur real identity exposed like Ali Sina)

1. U have 2 state the meridian time of the place U r blogging with me now, so that I know U are eyes wide shuts, sorry wide awake, fresh n energetic, not like me right here, right now, writing in my sleeping mode. Am I sleep walking, or sleep typing, erm…

Agreeable? Only then I will engage U n blow U to bits. N your accusations are worthy to be slain by my sword, sorry, the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays, who were always satisfied with whatever they have in their hands unlike of course some, I hope this is true, some chauvinistic kiasu UnConfucious Chinese n Hindu Indians that also dwell in the lands of the Malay. Maybe the Singaporean don’t want them too, that’s why they keep hanging around under our occupation n oppression eh?
The ball is in your court, Mr. Mooo. 3:21 a.m. in the morning and the silence grasp everything that’s in his path. Calming…
August 4, 2009 • 8:51 pm

You, you’re not aware
That we’re aware
Of your despair
Don’t show your tears
To your oppressor
Don’t show your tears

Try not to cry little one
You’re not alone
I’ll stand by you
Try not to cry little one
My heart is your stone
I’ll throw with you

‘Ayn Jalut where David slew Goliath
This very same place that we be at
Passing through the sands of times
This land’s been the victim of countless crimes
From Crusaders and Mongols
To the present aggression
Then the Franks, now even a crueller oppression
If these walls could speak,
Imagine what would they say

For me in this path that I walk on
There’s only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
Still I throw stones like David before me and I say


No llores, no pierdas la fe
La sed la calma el que haze
Agua de la arena
Y tu que te levantas con orgullo entre las piedras
Haz hecho mares de este polvo (meaning below)
Don’t cry, don’t lose faith
The one who made water come out of the sand
Is the one who quenches the thirst
And you who rise proud from between the stones
Have made oceans from this dust

I throw stones at my eyes
‘Cause for way too long they’ve been dry
Plus they see what they shouldn’t from oppressed babies to thighs
I throw stones at my tongue
‘Cause it should really keep it’s peace
I throw stones at my feet
‘Cause they stray and lead to defeat
A couple of big ones at my heart
‘Cause the thing is freezing cold
But my nafs is still alive
And kicking unstoppable and on a roll
I throw bricks at the devil so I’ll be sure to hit him
But first at the man in the mirror
So I can chase out the venom

Hmm, a little boy shot in the head
Just another kid sent out to get some bread
Not the first murder nor the last
Again and again a repetition of the past
Since the very first day same story
Young ones, old ones, some glory
How can it be, has the whole world turned blind?
Or is it just ’cause it’s only affecting my kind!
If these walls could speak,
Imagine what would they say
For me in this path that I walk on
There’s only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
Still I throw stones like David before me and I say

No wonder the Danish is so pissed off with Muslims n Islam eh? ?The Outlandish is there, n being so successful n envied of course, as always!
August 4, 2009 • 8:56 pm

“Agreeable? Only then I will engage U n blow U to bits. N your accusations are worthy to be slain by my sword, sorry, the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays, who were always satisfied with whatever they have in their hands unlike of course some, I hope this is true, some chauvinistic kiasu UnConfucious Chinese n Hindu Indians that also dwell in the lands of the Malay. Maybe the Singaporean don’t want them too, that’s why they keep hanging around under our occupation n oppression eh?
The ball is in your court, Mr. Mooo. 3:21 a.m. in the morning and the silence grasp everything that’s in his path. Calming…”

YYaaaaawwwnn. Just do as i say. I’m waiting for international news, ok. No need to boast like donkey. About that sword thing, is it your habit to use it on non muslim, thug?
August 4, 2009 • 9:01 pm

Read my challenge again with your eyes this time. I’m waiting for international news that stated islam is science. Mouth, article, debate, etc is not science. Capiche? Prove it in real world not cheap gossip. I repeat again: Invent NEW scientific facts straight from quran (no other sources allowed) and announce it all around the world. OK? Now bring the first verse then make a discovery then announce it all over the world.

“Mr. Moo,, U do agree with Muslims after all eh? Why didn’t u be like the wealthy ham eaters of the world Mr. Magoo?”

Who said i agree with you? Check my post again, carefully. Your eyes seems to have a problem.
August 4, 2009 • 9:13 pm

Comment deleted for abusive language. (Editor)
August 4, 2009 • 9:22 pm

“the dreaded n deadly keris that by mere sight of it, even shaken the knees of those who had ill intentions towards the Malays”

Speaking of malays i remember malays always claim about indonesian culture (example: batik). You are a thief, you stole other culture and you export terrorist to indonesia, you also try to eat indonesian territory in ambalat and beat indonesian workers like slaves. Like soekarno said: ganyang malaysia.
August 4, 2009 • 9:26 pm

Hmm, my comment is waiting moderation again n again eh? yet again 4 how many hours eh? Mr. Mooo have 2 graze somewhere n U r wasting his time waiting 4 my comments, N I’m afraid he’s going to poo right there in front of his fancy international television paid by his mom, come on Moderators, be moderate plz. U r disrupting my rhythm with this nerd. it’s not fair!
August 4, 2009 • 9:40 pm

Ahh, yet again, waiting moderation, Are U experiencing the delay 2 Mr Maggot the bigot?
August 4, 2009 • 10:14 pm

click on my name moo hurry, my post is blocked by these kind moderators. Come 2 me moo. Come n face ur slayer!
August 4, 2009 • 11:30 pm

*** This seems to be an everlasting was. Now you tell me which one was started by muslims. None at all. All were started by christians an keys. None by muslims. Now your tellin me why are muslims always at was. I answer you by because the christians bring was to them.***

seems like you agree with me, that muslim in everlasting war, so stop trying to deny it by saying those in context of war, as islam always at war, incld. with your other sects. And what about the one back from 636 when muslim armies conquered syria until now?

now you tell me if islam spread by war, show me any religion or nation attacking islam before the first caliph, so who is bring the war to humanity?

how many times you have to be told, (that’s stubborn) those were war in the name of nations not religion, thats why, one muslim nation get attacked in mid east, you will get some idiot like srizals, who live half world away, never even met some palestines, but willing to blow himself up, for promise of blowup dolls under the tree, and somewhere only he knows.

***The problem with u that you cant accept muslims being one brotherhood. ***

what about when iraq try to occupied kuwait, what about what happened in iraqi mosque on the news section, what about 70 sects of islam you talking about, but only one islam is right?
the one is right, is the one that do the fighting as prescribed in your porn book, even if you don’t like it ($fill out : the verse$) (i give you quran trivia) islam is a curse!

***he came to this world not to spread peace but to spread the sword. An he further goes to say that i havent come to change the existing laws but to fulfill them***

this is the only verse that always presented by muslim, not many more.
yo, you can pick any verse from quran cause its stand alone verse, so when you talking out of contex, what context, its got no relation from above and after, may be some do, but most dont,
why dont you read bible yourself and tell me if that chapter is like story or what?, jesus says following him is not easy, people against you. And as you may have read it on bible, pray for the one whose prosecuted you (NOT ATTACKING BACK), how easy you think that is?

So, go to the very basic, ask yourself, why should i believe (something from above) a religion that teach war, love their own but not others, the war is human language not god, so you have mistaken.
if you believe god is almighty, look at this irony in your verse, it says: “they look but they dont understand”, could it be the real god tell satan to insert that verse, for the sake of irony?, or
for shaming muslim out of islam

btw, you havent explained to me about, why such the teaching from religion of peace will make someone willing to blow themself up for indiscriminate killing, as all suicide bomber are muslims?

Please,please.. enlight my ignorance, for not finding the connection between peaceful religious teaching and blow themself up to hurt others.
August 5, 2009 • 4:26 am

Someone in the toilet with his head stucked, the toilet of course said this:

About jerking off lies. Is it you that always lie, muslim? Your theory and reality never match. So next time bring something real. Ok, big mouth?

Dear readers, I rest my case.

posted at 11.11 a.m. my time, calculate on Ur own dear readers how long does it take 2 get through the careful scrutiny of these moderate moderators!

Mooo? R u ok? I’ve warned U man, but as always, even though explicitly exposed my opening, U fail 2 stab, sorry machine gunned me right there at the back, of course, when I’m praying, concentrating, submitting myself to the One and only. I will visit U from time 2 time in the Hereafter, Bonehead, U r sure a hell rider kinda guy.

You R what U eat. Ask the brave matador. They know, N don’t forget 2 visit the pig farms, of course, to aahh..give U some ideas of what made the delicious Ham in Ur burgers of course. Rules, rules, No nose clamp! Come 2 me kind readers, Click on my name. We can be alone, U n I, without any moderators or delaying moderation. Do U got the guts? I dare U. No, I’m not like Cranmer n of course this kind gentlemen that would delay n even delete Ur comments, sorry my comments coz copying whatever in my blogs, of course. Go ahead. Come 2 me like I have come 2 U.
August 5, 2009 • 11:20 am

I guess
That this is where we’ve come to
If you don’t want to
Then you don’t have to believe me
But I won’t be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You’re on your own now believe me

I don’t want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing em
I’m just saying
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you’ve got a face to pain
And the devil’s got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey

I used have a little bit of a plan
Used to
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don’t really even know who I am
Yo, what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we’ll see
But it’s not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we’ve come to
If you don’t want to
Then you don’t have to believe me
But I won’t be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You’re on your own now believe me

Back then, I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I’m thinking like the mistake I made doesn’t hurt
But it’s not gonna work
Cause it’s really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got

You turned your back
And walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else is around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we’ll see
But it’s not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we’ve come to
If you don’t want to
Then you don’t have to believe me
But I won’t be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You’re on your own now believe me


I guess
That this is where we’ve come to
If you don’t want to
Then you don’t have to believe me
But I won’t be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You’re on your own now believe me

Do what i have to do
You’re on your own now believe me

What ever happens to you
You’re on your own now believe me

What do I have to say
You’re on your own now believe me

It’s not gonna happen with me
You’re on your own now believe me

See Ya, I’ve already wasted much of my time here,
There’s a lot more of morons for me to slain out there. See Ya Suckers!
I’m blood drunk. Kill, Kill, Kill, Die, Die, Die Lies n Hates!

They keep on changing, delaying and deleting. Hmm. What bravery! -srizals

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