Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Terrorist


August 3, 2009 • 2:17 pm

This is my message 2 all the men with guns, n bombs. Kill one another. I’m not going 2 stop U anyway!
You, all of you are blinded by your hatred. N you are so arrogant that U won’t listen to your own teacher of course!
Do kill one another, Stop bringing us the civilians in the bloodbath! Have U no shame? Brave Cowards! Bleed n die with your own blood on your uniforms, not of those that never ever could even inflict any harm on you, Brave soldiers!

To the terrorist, stop killing the civilians, U r givin Islam a bad name. Now everyone is associating Islam with U morons! Stop killing babies, children, women, men n start fighting your private little wars far from civilians. U have ashamed us! What will you say in front of The Teacher of teachers, our beloved Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.? What is your excuse in front of Allah. Are you that invincible like the Christians n Jews that are willing to enter Hell for several days n then got out of it. Is a day in the Hereafter the same with our present time? U know it isn’t. Stop your wrong ways. You are becoming like the ones that u have hated most! You are becoming baby killers, Just like them…At least if you wanna fight n die, die in dignity my brothers not as a murderer of the innocents. You are giving me a hard time defending Islam throughout the WorldWide web. You are shaming us. Stop it. Come to your senses. Sharbini’s blood is on your hands 2. You are causing the hatred of the deluded Westerners that like always got balls 2 fight n engage our women, children n old ones. Do u wanna be like them, cowards?
Are not God fearing? Do u wanna be like the people of the book that read the book but without any heed to it at all. Do u really think that u can stand the torment of Hell fire with the ones u hated most. U gotta be with them in the end, don’t u guys understand it my brothers that had wrong themselves. Please I beg it stop the killing of the innocence. Plz…
August 3, 2009 • 2:28 pm

Come 2 your senses….I pray for it…Do not transgress remember??? Do not create chaos when Allah had bring orders n peace throughout the world. Islam means peace, right? Or have U forgotten about it my brothers. Stop it! Enough! Don’t be like them.

When the IRA, Irguns, Japanese Red Armies, Soviets, Khmer Rouge, Hutu, etc. etc. Klu Klax klan, Roman Armies, slaughtered babies, n terrorized everyone, none claimed they were Muslims terrorist, None labelled them so quickly like they did with Islam n Muslims of course.

But now…these hypocrite, twister of the truth, All liar deep to the bone, gotta load of hate bullets 2 fire on n lying 2 the not so willing to read n understand about the world that they live in. They only think about their stomach, their genitals’ requirements, n their fancy cars n house. N then got to die in peace in their beds, completely isolated from the world, tuck in safely in their little stinky box that these froggies called my home. We have a Malay saying about the deluded bunch that is completely ignorant about the outside world as, A frog that lives under the coconut shell. Completely oblivious to the vast outside world. Are U a frogie?
August 3, 2009 • 3:52 pm

My Muslim brother that had betrayed themselves n that had forgotten who they are really are. You are not followers of Judaism. You are not followers of Christianity. You are not followers of Atheist.
Never did Allah promised your martydom by killing those that had not fight you n drive u out of your homes. Remember. Read Al Quran my brothers, Read n truly understand the verses of wars. The conducts of wars. You are one of them. The transgressors. The bloody baby killers, slayers of the weak. There is no honour whatsoever in killing the weak, the helpless ones, the cute babies, the gentle toddlers, there’s no honour at all my brothers. Please turn yourself in to Islamic Authorities. If U r afraid that U r goin 2 be turn over to Gitmo. Retreat yourself in isolation and repent to Allah, n may He has mercy on you and forgive your transgressions and willing to grant U mercy. Stop acting like Americans, Stop acting like Jews. Stop acting like them. U r not one of them. U r one of us.
U even killed your Muslims brothers n sisters n their children when U attacked the civilians remember? Do U wanna be like the Crusaders when they ‘liberated’ Jerusalem from the peaceful hands of Muslims thousands of miles away from Europe and massacred all it inhabitants even the Christians n priests and said that God will forgive them and knows his own. Are you that mentally sick my brothers. Trust me! You don’t wanna be like them proud killers, fighters of the weak.
Have patience my brother, Allah is with those who are able to control themselves, able to restraint themselves, remember? Who declared a holy war on the behalf of the Muslim Nations worldwide. Who nuke us my brothers. Threats are not actual deeds. Yes, Yes I know about their threats of nuking Mekah n Madinah n even all cities of Muslim Nations throughout the world. What do U expect my brothers. They are rebellious transgressors. They are descendents of monkeys n has no relationship at all with the first holy man created by Allah s.w.t, Nabi Adam a.s. that even the mighty and great Angels bowed down to him in humiliation. Remember?

They are descendants of monkeys. N like monkeys they have no remorse, no sense at all whatsoever. Their logic is their god, Their logic is their rules. Me gotta live, Me gotta have it all. Me gotta prosper with your blood, your lands, your oil, your natural resources. You gotta die, You gotta lose it all, You gotta live in misery n poverty. U don’t even deserve to live n prosper in your own land and don’t gotta use your own wealth natural resources because they are pirates, looter, killers throughout the centuries n they are proud of it my brother.
The Japanese had million times apologies for its atrocities but never we heard such apologies from our former Oppressors, Slayers n Looters, don’t we. They are the same. The same with the Zionist. The ever hungry chauvinistic arrogant proud bunch that wanted it all just exclusively 4 themselves n their kind only. The rest is trash.
They are the dwellers of Hell fire. Don’t be with them my brother. Trust me! Don’t degrade themselves to their level. Now n in the Hereafter. Don’t suffer with them. Have patience my brother.
Remember! Fighting is our last resort. It doesn’t matter they had massacred our weak ones. Don’t U believe in Allah’s retribution anymore. They gotta live 4ever in damnation of the eternal fire that will burn n burn again n again 4 eternity never dying, never living ever in excruciating pain, discomfort, thirst, hunger forgotten by Allah. N U my brother gotta witness their miseries n suffering just like now, laughing at our miseries. They r going to get their turn. Don’t U believe in Allah anymore my brother. Enough! There’s too many bloodshed in this world. Don’t ashamed us in front of the Angels. Enough plz… You are not Goyyim, the cattle people like the Zionist had called the gentiles. U are a Muslim, Eater of everything that is pure n good. Act like one. Don’t act like eaters of eaters of vile.
If u don’t believe me people. Let’s make an experiment. Enclosure A. A cow. Enclosure B. A pig. Feed them both with maggot filled carcasses of anything u can find. N do shits in pails n put them on both enclosures. Within 4 weeks, the cow in enclosure A is eaten by the pig in Enclosure B, that got out of Enclosure A attracted to the stench of the dead bone cow starved to death without any decent food. Got my point now children. Good. Class end. Time 2 think on you own. Get some exercise 4 your brain 2. Your neurons are depleting as faster than be4 with your blind hate, booze n of course the delicious ham….eyak;;;;

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