July 27, 2009 • 1:53 am
Hello my christian friends and fellows,
My sisterly advice to all of you, seek without bias if you need to ask it to Holy Ghost or to Jesus Christ, ask that they show you the truth and the light. It is for your own soul, not for my soul, not for the soul of the founder of Ali Sina who want to destruct humanity. Jesus Christ (a.s), son of Mary, will deny you of teaching and telling you Christians to worship him for he never did that. St. Paul did that to you.
Christians here said muslims are brainwashed. Why do you let St. Paul brainwash all of you?
Christians here said Muslims are following a false prophet. Why do you follow St. Paul who was never a prophet, never a Messenger of God, not even a disciple of Jesus Christ (a.s.), son of Mary?
Christians here said Muslims are following prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s), the Dajjal? Do you know what Dajjal means? Dajjal is arabic word for Anti-Christ. Why do muslims believe and respect Jesus Christ (a.s), son of Mary, as apostle, prophet and messenger of God if Muslims are Anti-Christ?
Christians here also said that Allah (s.w.t) is “devil/satan”. Christians who speak arabic call God, Allah! Allah (s.w.t) is the one who created Jesus before Jesus became son of God, who created Ali Sina and All Humanity that Ali Sina wants to destruct. Allah (s.w.t.) created the Heavens and the Universe, who created and give all the blessing you enjoy in this short life.
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