Wednesday, September 30, 2009

200 MILLION GIRLS liquidateED BY HINDU'S 4793

The cumulative number of rests due to centuries of Hindu female infanticide is truly staggering. Consider the Brahmanic Dark Ages of 1000 years(1500 BC - 500 BC), and let us adopt the standard population estimate of ancient India, namely 50 million and buttume that the same birth rate and same love ratio existed as today. These are not unreasonable buttumptions, given the statements of various travellers that several entire towns in Brahmanic India were desbreastute of girls.

These figures lead to 1.6 million births, or 0.8 million girls born per year of which at least 0.08 million are end. For 2500 years that yields 2500 years x 0.08 million rests per year = more than 200 million rests for the Brahmanic Dark Ages. This means that the Brahmins have liquidateed 200 million girls during their tyranny over India.

By comparison, all other genocides in world history pale into insignificance. The Nazi genocide of Jews was only 5 million, whilst the largest Holocaust ever, that of the Native Americans by Latin and Anglo-Saxons, was only 100 million. This genocide of female infants alone is sufficient to make the Brahmins the greatest mbutt liquidateers in human history . It does not include the countless other genocides inflicted by the Brahmins on other peoples, an estimate of which is beyond the scope of this book.

Taken from

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