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Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was the Prime Minister of Malaysia. I cried like a baby when he announced his retirement. Well, guess I was right by the looks of it. I mean what happened afterwards. Hope the current leaders can remedy the errs of the past just right after Dr. M of course n makes me proud again to be a Malay n being well educated of course. Now, it's time for the losers n the happy go lucky lazy bunch of idiots to be kings. Sad but true. Having a degree n higher than that means 'duuh! so what?' here. Well lucky U, having a higher education and earning higher than those who without them of course.
But things are quite upside down in the lands of the Malay, for the moment..I hope. But don't worry. The truth will prevails, as always. But I'm not keeping quiet to wait for the change, of course.
SOUND BITES (Hiroshima)
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on August 11, 2009 4:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (90) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. Generally the comments on Hiroshima proves that Malaysians are a caring people.
2. But as to the two students who died - they were Malays. Someone already commented that there were no Malaysians at that time. I don't think we can say the Sultan of Melaka was a Malaysian.
3. I am intrigued at the idea that if we all call ourselves Malaysians then there would be no racial conflicts. I agree it would probably contribute to a better Malaysia.
4. But I would like to point out that being of the same race, ethnically, cannot by itself prevent conflict in human society.
5. Socialism and Communism were conceived in single ethnic countries. What gave rise to these ideologies were the disparities in the distribution of wealth within these nations. The working class rose violently against the rich employers, killing even their own same ethnic Csar, because of the unfair wealth distribution.
6. So we must ensure fair (not equal) distribution of wealth before forgetting racial origins simply because the disparities are between races and not between class.
7. Incidentally in Singapore while the identity cards no longer indicate the dialect group among the Chinese, the Malays are now classified into Bugis, Boyanese, Javanese etc. The number of Malays are now much less.
8. themalaypress menegaskan bahawa suka tak suka peperangan akhir zaman tetap akan berlaku. Kita tak mungkin teka bila zaman berakhir. Sebab itu kita perlu bersedia menangani masalah dan malapetaka yang akan menimpa kita sebelum itu. Menolak senjata nuklear termasuk dalam usaha yang perlu dilakukan oleh kita kerana firman Tuhan dalam Al-Quran menyuruh kita mencuba mengubah nasib kita sebelum Allah s.w.t. akan menolong kita. Demikian juga usaha untuk menjadikan perang sebagai jenayah, sama seperti menjadikan perhambaan sebagai jenayah.
8. The Malay Press stressed that whether we like it or not the war that would brought the world to an end would still happened. We might not guessed when it would materialised. That is why we must prepare ourselves to address the problems and the catastrophe that would inflict us before it. Rejecting nuclear armaments is among the efforts that we must try because our Lord in Al Quran commands us to try to change our fate before He helped us. As same with the effort to criminalise war, just like slavery.
9. Saya tidak dapat komen tentang Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia kerana saya tak tahu kenapa ia dibezakan daripada amanah saham lain.
9. I can't comment of the 1Malaysia Trust Fund since I don't know why it differs from other trust funds.
(Dr. M with your permission, You may correct me if I'm wrong in translating your purpose of uttering these sentences in Malay).
10. We need the support of everyone so as to make war a crime. We would love to have support from students and their leaders. The best form of support would be to spread the word that war is about killing people. Since killing people is a crime then war must also be a crime.
11. If you have friends among students from the countries which like to wage wars, tell them to campaign against election candidates unless they give an undertaking to reject war and consider it a crime.
Criminalising wars. Hmm. Sure not an idea of the highly civilised west eh Ali Sina?
What do U think Daniel? Want to comment some of it in your truth blog?
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