Monday, September 21, 2009

Deir Yassin

Taken from Robert Hand's Photos - Middle East History,

"We Created Terror Among the Arabs": The Deir Yassin Massacre

On April 9, 1948, members of the underground Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, or IZL, led by Menachem Begin, who was to become the Israeli PM in 1977, entered the peaceful Arab village of Deir Yassin, massacred 250 men, women, children and the elderly, and stuffed many of the bodies down wells. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations.

The Irgun was joined by the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by Yitzhak Shamir, who subsequently succeeded Begin as PM of Israel in the early '80s, and also by the Haganah, the militia under the control of David Ben Gurian.

The Irgun, the Stern Gang and the Haganah later joined to form the IDF. Their tactics have not changed.

The massacre at Deir Yassin was widely publicized by the terrorists and the numerous heaped corpses displayed to the media. In Jaffe, which was at the time 98% Arab, as well as in other Arab communities, speaker trucks drove through the streets warning the population to flee and threatening another Deir Yassin.

Begin said at the time, "We created terror among the Arabs and all the villages around. In one blow, we changed the strategic situation."

From about 1938 on to the founding of Israel, Begin was the leader of the Irgun. That group regularly assassinated English soldiers in Palestine and frequently hung their booby-trapped bodies in public places.

Under Begin, the Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing 97 British civil servants.

The Stern Gang, under Shamir, also assassinated the UN representative to Palestine, Count Bernadotte, in 1948.
In this photo: Zahid K Sh

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