Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny stuff


It's funny when someone claimed that there's actually no God since He lets all the hideous things happened around us n it seems that the culprits go off scot free. The Zionists, the deadly n poisonous vines, the hostile nature that mercilessly engulfed everyone while they are sleeping, the sharks n the stingrays. If he truly understands that this life is a test, he wouldn't make such a simplistic assumption.

I guess all of us had in our lives, entered the examination halls right? What is a test, if we had already knew all the answers, n all the questions are predictable? Would it still be considered as valid n reliable? Isn't it supposed to be able to differentiate between the abilities n the wits of the students involved? Everyone would get A+ no matter who they are. Disregard of their concentration abilities, their power of will n dedication. Would it made any sense at all to conduct a test in the first place since it would not be able to differentiate between the bad n the good n the average?

God had granted us all with the equipments if U want to say it, to deal with everything that life has to offer. Pleasure, pain, choices, decisions, life n death questions. Go buy Bob Proctor's book if U don't believe me. We are well equipped to deal with everything that life has to offer. God even sent down our books of manual n His messengers, the prophets, to guide us on how to conduct n use our equipments so that it won't be damaged due to misconduct. Yes, when U go n buy electrical appliances, cars, or whatever that is sophisticated, what would U get that came along with the stuffs? Yes, the manual books right? How to operate it correctly, what to do with it if things go wrong n also words n sentences describing everything U need to know about the products that U have bought. Well, if U chose to disbelieve the manual books, I think that would be unwise n U'll end up with a void warranty.

If U claimed that there is no God. It is like claiming the cars that U bought, the things that you wear n use, the fast food that U eat are all without a maker, a creator. If U see a chair in a room, would U say that it is already existed n it created itself with no man's hands shaping its shape n made it different from tables, n other woodwork? That is what some smart scientists are claiming. That everything, all the atoms decided on their own what they would want to be. Some chose to be a whale, some chose to be anchovies. Does it make any sense? If I were those atoms, being brainless of course, I would never chose to be a wood, or a pig for that matter, would U?

What does really direct n guide our sperms when they enter our wives' body n looking for the place it belongs to? Well, millions of them would perish except one, if God willing maybe 2, 3 or 4 or more than that or none of them would make it. Was it us? What design do they follow? What made them split themselves? What made those cells knew what to do, exactly what to do, to form our fingers, our feet, our ears, our brains n everything in n on our body? The Scientist? The Atheist? or the Gnostic? What proof? Oh, I forgot, if U are on drugs n smoke n drink or any other bad things U are taking or exposed yourself 2 unintentionally or unwisely, it would interrupt if not totally disrupt the harmony of creation. Freewill remember?

Why are we so different from the monkeys n the apes? Our brains design I mean. Among all the living things around us, it is only us that can do what we can do. The pigs just eat n wait to be slaughtered, naturally their task is only as a cleaning agent of nature. The tigers depend on our judgment whether they would live another day or become a part of some Chinese exotic dinner or a Chinese medicinal herbs that would suppose to make a man, a man.

Are we after all that, would end up just like a dead ant? Being nothing but a mere recycled things? To be a bag of fertilizer for trees? To be mere food for maggots? What happened to the current, the electricity that lights up the bulb? Gone? Disappeared? Well it would inflict with the basic scientific theory won't it. Water would condense to gas, but never disappeared into thin air, would it? Then, why would we?

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