Friday, September 4, 2009

Pedophilia: In the lands of Hindu Black n Brahmans Indians

Date: Sunday April 13, 2008
Time: 12:53:24 -0700

India Child-Marriage Laws Ignored Some As Young As 7 Married In Rural Towns Despite Attempts To Stop | Page 1 of 2 RAJGARH, India, May 13, 2005 Send this story via emailE-Mail Story View a Printer-friendly version of this storyPrint Story Read related blogs & articles about this storySphere Share Text Size: A A A Previous PhotoNext Photo 1 | 2 Eleven-year-old Rekha, left, stands with her groom Bheeram Singh, 16, after their marriage in Rajgarh, India. (AP) Related India Fast Facts India Learn about the people, economy and history. (AP) Ignoring laws that ban child marriages, hundreds of children, some as young as seven years old, were married this week in a centuries-old custom across central and western India.

Held to coincide with "Akkha Teej," a summer festival believed to be auspicious for weddings, the marriages took place mostly in small towns and villages, where the laws have little effect and officials could do little more than record the names of the children being married. Hundreds of children were married this week in Rajgarh, about 65 miles northwest of Bhopal, the capital of the central state of Madhya Pradesh. "The law to stop child marriage is not powerful enough," Girija Mewada, a police constable posted at a Hindu temple in Rajgarh, said Wednesday, as she noted down the names of young couples who went to the temple for wedding blessings.

India law prohibits marriage for women younger than 18 and men under age 21, and parents who break the law — nearly all such marriages are arranged by parents — can be jailed for up to three months. But while the practice is dying out among urban, educated people, child marriages remain common in rural areas. There, it is seen as being beneficial for both families: The bride's parents don't have to support her for very long, and the groom's family gains an unpaid servant, often treated as virtual slave, who usually brings a dowry. The children remain in their parents' houses, though, until the girl reaches puberty, after which she is brought to the groom's home with great ceremony and the marriage is consummated.

On Wednesday, 11-year-old Soram Singh peeked shyly from behind her veil a couple of hours after her marriage to Bheeram Singh, 16, a student in the nearby government school. Singh is a common surname in the town, and the two are not related. Continued 1 | 2 >

Date: Sunday April 13, 2008
Time: 13:00:42 -0700

53 pc of children sexually abused in India: Govt survey April 10, 2007 More than 53 per cent of children in India are subjected to sexual abuse, but most don't report the assaults to anyone, a new government survey said Monday. Parents and relatives were found mostly to be the perpetrators of child sexual abuse in the country, Women and Child Development Minister Renuka Chowdhury told reporters while releasing the survey.

"Child abuse is shrouded in secrecy and there is a conspiracy of silence around the entire subject," the minister said. Separately, nearly 65 per cent of schoolchildren reported facing corporal punishment beatings by teachers mostly in government schools, the survey said. The ministry is working on a new law for protection of children's rights by clearly specifying offenses against children and stiffening punishments, Chowdhury said. The first-ever national-level study by the ministry covered 13 of India's 28 states with a sample size of 12,447 children in the 5-12 age group, and 2,324 young adults.

It covered different forms of child abuse physical, sexual and emotional abuse, as well as female child neglect, the minister said. The survey didn't have a margin of error. Last year, the Indian government banned the employment of children under age 14 as domestic servants or in hotels, restaurants or small teashops because children were often subjected to physical violence, mental trauma and sexual abuse. Send Fe

In the lands of the Malay not that long ago, 5 Hindus gang raped a dying Muslim woman right there in front of her 5 year old daughter. They hit her head with sticks so bad that even some of her brains came out. And in her dying breath and the voices of her terrified daughter, she was gang raped by these Hindus. Don't worry, the Malays didn't ran amok when they knew about it. The five were arrested. Their fate is not as bad as their victim since they all pleaded that they were drunk at that night. Don't worry. They will end up in hell by Allah's justice. N got to boil their brains out for eternity.

ps. If another stupid Hindus trying out the patience of the Malays, there is no guarantee that the Malays are going to hold out much longer. The Malays in Selangor carried a head of a cow and of course got everyone's attention unlike when some unconfucious Chinese hang out heads of pigs which is considered vile to Muslims on fences of the holy house of prayer, our mosques, our houses n on public beaches. Yeah, yeah, I'm exaggerating unlike the true emotional exaggerators, the ever drunkard n suicidal not so pure Hindus! The pure Hindus like always won't have any problems with Islam n Muslims. We, the Malays of the Malay Archipelago were Hindus remember? With exceptions of Balinese of course.

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