Sunday, October 25, 2009


A Strange Day Today

Hook up myself with the library today. Information overload almost made me dizzy, with the running nose being not much of a help either. The reason I'm there? Well, I read an article I got from, Islam 101, so I have to do some homework, since history is not my main expertise, I have to do some homework before uttering a word about it. Got bored, grabbed the newspaper for my timeout.

It seems that the Taliban got Kotkai back from Pakistan, so the civil wars between Muslims won’t end as quickly as anyone thought. Expect more earthquakes after this.

More people are killed each year by dogs and pigs than by sharks.

Whoah, no, this is not from a holy book of Islam or something like that, it’s from the famous ladybird books. And everyone keep on wondering why Muslims are prohibited from eating them. They eat humans, so we won’t feed them with our babies or aborted babies, so we can’t keep them as pet or as a food source like most people of the world, ehem, especially unConfucious Chinese.

No, I’m not going to leave out the word unConfucious, if I did, I would be just like the smartie pants of generalisator, if there is such a word, that I’ve encountered with in the Net. Yes, I know, not all Chinese are unConfucious. My Chinese friends don’t even eat meat, what more of a pig. I restraint myself on mentioning about the fresh kill that I made. I’m not being insensitive of course.

Updates on baby killers, sadly in my homeland, a three year old died in the hands of his mother’s lover. A Sudanese used her as sex toy, and practised his torture skills since she is not as black as he is I think. He’s here on a student visa and changed my point of views of African forever. No, they were not married, and everyone still considers free sex before marriage is harmless. Women! What the hell do they think, leaving their daughters with men that are not their biological fathers.

Updates on cigarettes, in the puny island of Temasik, south of heaven, sorry, south of Johore, a 24 year old baby that just granted the ability to crawl, died not in the hands of her own father, no, that would be too modest. She died under the feet of her father. Well, that what baby would get if messin’ with her father’s cigarettes, being a holy and compulsory items of manhood if not the stupidest thing ever done by the stupidest man I ever met! And like dogs and pigs, everyone still adores cigarettes. Hey, no harms done ok. Ok ‘a in the hole’!

Newspapers are depressing. Sorry to pass on the misery to U guys. It’s going to take days, for them to disappear in my mind. Don’t worry, everyone will get what they deserved. God is just. The victims would live forever n ever in heaven. The killers, an unbearable torment that would make them wish they could have died. Alhamdulillah. Grant me O Lord patience in dealing with the craziness of this world who had forgotten about you, and end up forgetting about themselves. Guide me always O Allah. Do not let me be one of those who gone astray, nor the ones who your wrath is upon them. Forgive me for my weaknesses. I'm only human. Amin, Amin Ya Rabbal 'alamin.

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