Friday, November 27, 2009

Liberty: Why Muslims n Islam is Incompatible

I think the ideals of liberty that America and the west in general is greatly misunderstood by the eastern world (specifically Islamic countries) and that is a cause of a lot of the strife, where it is made to be something evil when it is not, it is liberty.

Taken from
I begin my postings with a citation from a penfriend that I'm having a conversation with.

Liberty? Anyone who has a problem with the liberty of the West say I. Anyone?

Well, it ain't your liberty to do anything that U want is any problem of us. Like a Malay saying, 'Don't bother at the side of someone's else sarong' or Jangan jaga tepi kain orang. Do inform me guys if I got it completely wrong.

It's your liberty to kill and destroy us and spread fitnah or disorder throughout Muslim's world that is our major concern. It's your liberty to attack the religion of God and your desire that it is wiped off from the face of the earth. Your lust for blood, ours and the earth, being black of course that really concerns us. Well, what do U expect? It's our survival and we ain't greatly outnumbered like Jesus Christ's companions nor we are helpless and we are definitely not cowards! Why? Well, cowards are forbidden to enter Paradise. Some say it only applies to husbands that let his wife went astray but I don't think we should limit to just that.

I wonder what would U felt if any Muslim Nations helped the Red Indians in fighting the invading Whites that spread like a virus throughout the Matrix. Discontent?

Pardon me of asking, why did the US invaded the Malays of the Philippines anyway? Being so further from the homeland of the brave? To drive out the Spanish Inquisition? Or to join in the feast? I mean the feast of the innocents and the weak.

Oh, we were under harsh occupations too. We survived the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, the Chinese and the Japs. Many were killed, tortured and raped. The wound has not exactly healed. No, we are not Christians or Shinto Buddhist! We were and still are Muslims. I told U. We survived. Alhamdulillah. How could we have the same faith of our killers, looters and rapists? We were immune to Stockholm Syndrome and still are. Alhamdulillah or All praise to God in English, of course.

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