Friday, December 4, 2009

On the Verge of An Attack

Everyone is talking about Muslims' domination. Even the religious building where Muslims pray is considered as intimidating. Iran is seen as the devil to be that is going to nuke everyone to kingdom come. Is this true? Well, if you even bother to read history, the only nation that ever used a nuclear bomb on civilians, well, there were two actually that came hand in hand, was the greatest Democracy of the World, The United States of America! N everyone is still wondering why did the terrorists targeted civilians. Maybe they haven't heard this saying before, 'What goes around, comes around.'

Maybe we all should adopt North Korea diplomacy:

1. Sanction us n it is an act of war! We are not going down with our rusted tanks and hungry soldiers like Saddam, we're going to take as many of you as we can with us when the time comes.

2. Threaten us and we're going to speed things up and make nuclear test to send a friendly message to non nuclear powers.

Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I told them that someone in the Net actually suggested Nuclear powers to nuke Madinah and Mekah if a nuclear or chemical attacks were ever initiated by the terrorists. I've been told that the talks are not just in the Net but my intel is not that good, not like Israel of course, so I won't make assumptions.

N then I ran onto a blog that talk about an even more gruesome suggestion. Nuke all Muslims and wipe them off all over the globe. Now it's getting more n more interesting.

I mean, everyone is shouting about a Muslim domination and yet instead, the ones that been barking to annihilate more than a billion of people, came from the not so dominating West!

I have a secret to share with U. Nostradamus, 2012, doomsday, well it got to do with the Muslims actually. Eliminate them all and what is God excuses of keeping this world of ours to keep on circling the sun. Ops, this was forbidden by the Vatican, I mean the idea of it. They tortured that poor old chap, Galileo for even thinking of that idea. The French Catholic church even tortured and burnt Joan of Arc, the Saviour of France from the onslaught of the Britons back in the good old days. Yes, what a terrible thing to do to someone who would later on be glorified as Saints of Christianity.

But never mind. We are all after all, only human.

Long ago, the mighty whites were not migrating peacefully like nowadays Muslims or spreading the truth peacefully. Ask the Malays of the Philipines about what the Spanish and the Americans did to them. In fact, ask everyone around the globe about their experience of their encounters with the Democratic Christians of the West. The Kampuchean are still afraid of a Democratic Kampuchea. There's something evil or a bad karma in it. I mean the word Democratic.

The UN is not that democratic, why should the Iranians?

My advice to the Iranians? You are going to deal with the devil themselves. Many would die especially unarmed civilians. That is how these cowards fight wars. Has always been, will continue on.

Aligned yourself with other nuclear powers. Try to take your case to the Hague or the UN. You signed the treaty of controlling nuclear arms, The Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel has not. N judging from their spying network on their godfather, the US, it is foolish to doubt that they have none. Don't fall into their traps. To fight a war without outside help would be difficult. Learn something from the Turks that overturned a defeat into a decisive victory.

Judging from history, one by one, Muslim Nation that is considered to have an overwhelming military strength is targeted and destroyed, one at a time. Iraq was said to be the fourth strongest army in the world. Look what happened to it. Without wisdom and true guidance from God, victory won't be easy. Don't fight a war without proper knowledge of your enemy strategy. Know their strength and their weaknesses, their advantage and their fear. Sometimes to fight in the battlefield of arguments and negotiations is better than fighting it out on the battlefield against a highly advanced computerised electrical mechanised armies.

To all Nuclear powers. The world is watching. Don't make us all go nuke.

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