Author Profile Page Foolster41 | November 30, 2009 8:43 PM | Reply
Sri said: "a. The verses, can U give them in full, in case I have a HAMAS sources by mistake. What about your sources? Are they not that bias?"
I'm sorry but you're really loosing credibility more and more. A descent person would admit that Al Jazeera is from a pro-HAMAS source and leave at that. You give a childish thrashing out response instead. I am quoting from the bible. The bible was not founded by a terrorist organization. If you can't tell the difference, then I don't know what else to say. Perhaps you see nothing wrong in quoting HAMAS.
You can find the references at just enter the verses in the search bar.
b. doesn't really answer anything. Both sides must have a desire to stop war for there to be an end of war. You suggesting to "spend a few bucks on peace" is vague. Putting away ones weapons when there is an aggressor isn't peace, it's suicide.
c. Again you show your bias against Israel as if Israel is the one causing all the problems when it is ARAB MUSLIMS who are declaring war against Israel and it is ARAB MUSLIMS who spew hatred against Jews. It is not "blood thirsty" but quite the opposite, to preserve lives in Israel from the blood thirsty Muslims who have shown time and time again they would like to slaughter the Jews. America isn't putting people in arenas and feeding them to lions.
Sri said: "e. "How Israel should protect its civilians? Well, by being good and honest. Stop the killing to show good examples for everyone to follow. It's that simple. Give bad examples, expect the worst. Go back to The Hague or the UN. They got all the WMD they need to scare off the Arabs. Why are they still being afraid? The wrath of God?""
Basically you're saying Israel should commit suicide. The WMDs are apparently NOT scaring the Arabs because they continue to attack because they know Israel is too good to use them. The UN is being mostly controlled by the OIC, so they'll hardly help. (Remember, the UN declared the day of Israel's independence as a day of mourning!). If the UN won't help, and threats of WMD won't help, what should Israel do?
Sri said: "f.1 What about other humans? What about their rights? Die quietly? Somewhere far and quiet?"
This is bunk. Israel is not infringing on anyone else rights. As I said, it is the ARAB Muslims who started the crap. They attacked Israel first, for the sole reason of their existence. Israel fought back, and won and ceased land to prevent another attack, and it was declared a war crime by Arabs. When Isreal was attacked by suicide bombers they built a wall, and of course arabs called it a "war crime". When Israel started getting hit with rockets they started firing back at the rocketers, and again this was declared a war crime because the rocketers hid behind civilians giving Israel no choice.
Sri: "g. What make U so sure they are not going to start world war 3? They had united like they were once was. The Soviet is no more. The USA is crippled by ongoing wars. Millions of Germans died miserably. Have they totally forgot about it?"
This is foolishness. Israel has neither the means or desire to take over like Germany did. Israel has only been fighting back against Arab aggressors, and has only taken as much land as needed strategically to prevent further attacks. Also, if there is nazi-like propaganda it is coming from the Arab countries surrounding Israel, and not from Israel.
Sri said: "h. Give the Palestinians their rights. There shall be peace. But Israel can't do that see. The UN resolution, 181, to be precise contradict with the Geneva Conventions. So, all the liars know their fate when the lies become the truth. That is why Israel ain't compromising. They got it all wrong since day 1. But the Arabs are showing that they are willing to accept the lies and compromise. Why don't they go back to the talks? Are they like the terrorists that chose terror over talks?"
This is completely untrue. Most Palestinians reject a two state solution[1], as is also HAMAS's official policy[2]. HAMAS still supports genocide openly, therefore there can be no peace with HAMAS.
i. You keep talking about white phosphorus ("willy pete") and yet you haven't yet, as I have asked giving proof that it was being used deliberately for non-smoke purposes.
j. Again, you call HAMAS's rockets "firecrackers" to minimalize the death they cause.
k. I have seen no indication that Israel is going to nuke any Arab country. You try to make Muslims out to be the victims when it is the Muslims who attacked them first. It is commanded in the Koran about eminity and hatred against Jews.
l. The UN is being run by Muslims, so they are hardly a fair party. Negotiations are better than killing, but Israel's complaints fall on deaf ears, so then what?
Tell me, what is your opinion of HAMAS? Do you think it is bad, somewhat bad, neither good nor bad, somewhat good or good?
"Is this an accepted citation?" That is fine, though they seem to have a pro-Iran slant that more than a little troubling. At any rate, I have a countering source.
"On point #2, the statements that the Arabs owned 94% of Palestine (the 25% of historic Palestine that remained after removing Transjordan) is entirely untrue. The British "owned" the majority of the land. They owned it by virtue of the Allied victory in WWI. Arabs never "owned" the majority of this land: certainly not for hundred of years or more - and they only obtained it then by force of arms from other people a couple hundred years before that."
All in all, you seem to have a strong bias against Israel. It is Israel who has been trying to get peace, and it is HAMAS and the other Arab nations who have attacked Israel and have spouted genocidal rederic.
Taken from
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