Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Virus At Jihadwatch?

Well, well, well. Tried to access just now and luckily my virus scanner truly did what it claimed it can do.

Jihadwatch moderators, in case U didn't know there is a virus or something on your webpage allow me to help U.

Details of the virus as reported by my anti virus software:

File name:

Threatname: Exploit Rogue Scanner (type 831)

Process name: (eer, secret! my secret of course) but it seemed embedded itself with my current browser.

Process ID:2924

I tried to get more info but the connection was timed out.

Hope this help. Foolster41, I hope U can carry on reading and exploring the Net yourself. It's amazing. I mean the Internet. It puts everything on your fingertips, literally! Well, some got the nuke buttons on their fingertips too, but that is different. Now my readers, do you believe me now? I mean, the people that I'm dealing with are high tech monsters. As always..


  1. As-salam wa alaykum.

    I've had viruses before & experienced combating them. I never got a virus from any aplogetic site, even though I accessed many of them. To ensure that you have no more viruses on your PC, there are a few good free scanners out there:

    Comboxfix at:

    Each one of these scanners may pick up threats whhich others do not, so it's a good idea to use multiple.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Wa 'alaykumusalaam, thanks for the info.


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