Friday, July 19, 2013

Only the bold, the bald and the super rich


You asked what race am I?
I'm the race of the not super rich
With granny and daddy never ever pampered by the colonial race
Who brought in their loyal subjects from abroad
To outsmart and outplace the oppressed local race
And for 500 hundred years living in disgrace
Destroyed of all richness, forbidden from commerce, cut out from the world 
And you still wonder why I'm lagging behind in an unfair 50 years of race?

You asked, what race am I?
I'm the race of the not super rich
With richness and abundance stolen in 500 hundred years of tyranny
Outsmarted and outwitted by the clever triad race
Selling pirated goods, sins and women as slaves
Selling intoxication, gambling and suffering

Burning the greed of the human race
In cruel monopoly and ruthless price rigging
Only the bold, the bald and the super rich
Find it loathsome to be with me in the same race

You asked, what race am I?
I'm the race of the not super rich
Only the bold, the bald and the super rich
Who wears indecent woman’s dress and thinks he looks sweet
Find it loathsome to be with me in the same race.

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