Blogger Maria said...
To Anonymous 06 July 2009 12:39 who said...
"Gospel of Barnabas is Forgery,sourced in Spain. Evidence is in certain wrong facts, i.e wine barrels are mentioned, these were not invented until long after Jesus when wine was stored in skins or earthenware jars. Sorry but Barnabas probably medieval false gospel."
Barnabas, as recorded in the Acts in the New Testament, represented those who had become a personal disciple of Jesus and was among the dynamic evangelist among the disciples, and Paul cooperated with them for some time. He is mentioned in the ff. Verses of the Bible (Acts 4:36-37; 9:26-27; 11:22-30; 12:25; 13:1-4; 14:11-15; Paul’s Epistles to the Galatians 2:9). The rift is in Acts 15. In the Acts, Barnabas disappears after the rift.
After the disappearance of Jesus Christ to heaven, “the little Group of Apostles” formed a Jewish sect, headed by James, the younger brother of Jesus Christ. With James was Peter and later on John and Barnabas also joined in. James successor was Simeon, son of Cleopas, a cousin of Jesus Christ. They observed the “Law of Prophets, which Jesus had come, not to destroy but to fulfill” (Math. 5:17). They continued to live as Jews and practiced what Jesus had taught them. They were devout and practicing Jews and they were distinguished from their neighbors, only by their faith in the message of Jesus. The question of the origin of Jesus, his nature and relation to God, which later became so important, was not raised among these early disciples. That Jesus was a man supernaturally endowed by God was accepted without question. Nothing in the words of Jesus or the events in his life led them to modify this view. According to Aristides, one of the earliest apologists, the worship of the early “Christians” was more purely monotheistic even than that of the Jews.
08 July 2009 03:59
Blogger Maria said...
With the arrival of Paul, a new period opened in Christian Theology. He appeared in the scene 14 years after the departure of Jesus Christ. Then, according to his own statement, as recorded in Acts 26:12-18, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision when he was on his way to Damascus (Syria). Jesus asked him as to why was he against his preaching & Teachings and why was he persecuting his followers. This moved the heart of St. Paul and from then onwards, the hostile attitude of Paul against Jesus ceased and he became the ardent follower of Jesus Christ.
Paul was a Jew and an inhabitant of Tarsus. He had spent a long time in Rome and was a Roman citizen. As Cardinal Danielou (the author of “A New Representation of the Origins of Christianity: Judeo Christianity) says that Paul had an access among the Jews who were living in far off lands across the Mediterranean sea in areas around Rome & Greece in the Roman Empire. The pagan people living in those areas were worshipping the Sun, the Moon, the Mars, the Venus and various other stars as their gods. In addition, they were also worshipping many other stone idols and deities. Paul began to preach Christianity to these people his own band of mysticism. Paul gave them an alternate god in the person of Jesus Christ to worship. The people thought they got a nearer god instead against the distant gods, in the person of Jesus who had performed a number of miracles as well. In order to win the confidence and faith of these people, Paul therefore had to compromise with their beliefs & legends. Paul said circumcision of males was not really necessary. This he said despite the fact that Jesus himself was circumcised on the 8th day after his birth. Gentiles were already celebrating Sunday as a holiday in honor of their god-the Sun. Paul replaced Saturday-the day of Sabbath of the Jews with Sunday to coincide with their holiday, which they were already observing. The gentiles used to observe 25th of December as the birthdate of their god-the Sun. Now, this date was adopted as the birth date of their new found god- the Jesus. Paul also rejected the Jewish form of worship, which was practiced in the Synagogues, i.e., the WORSHIP OF ONE TRUE GOD. Instead, Paul offered Jesus Christ as an alternate god. He raised the status of Jesus Christ from the Messenger of God to the “son of God”. Paul borrowed from pagans and gave the concept of “Trinity”, i.e., the three gods- the father, the son, and the holy ghost. Paul put forward the concept of a “begotten son of God”. But all of these were contrary to the preaching and teachings of Jesus Christ. There was therefore an opposition from Barnabas.
08 July 2009 04:01
Blogger Maria said...
To Anonymous 06 July 2009 12:39 who said...
"Gospel of Barnabas is Forgery,sourced in Spain. Evidence is in certain wrong facts, i.e wine barrels are mentioned, these were not invented until long after Jesus when wine was stored in skins or earthenware jars. Sorry but Barnabas probably medieval false gospel."
I forgot to tell you: it's your own holy book, Bible, especifically in the New Testament that Barnabas is mentioned. I had already stated two times in this blog the references where you can find those verses referring to Barnabas in Acts.
You should read your own Bible.
Sorry for the late reply. I was traveling and did not have time to respond.
There is no Gospel of Barnabas in the Bible, only Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and all affirm the divinity of Jesus Christ. Wikepedia states that it (Barnabas) dates to the late sixteenth century. I had never heard of it until you mentioned it and since it's origin is after Islam's sixth century A.D. debut, it's origins are suspicious (a form of taqiyya??). The four Gospels in the Bible date to the first century A.D. (Anno Domini-"in the Year of our Lord").
Please read the Gospels, especially the Gospel of John. In John's Gospel, Jesus states that He is "One with the Father" and "You have seen me, you have seen the Father". He supported His divinity with countless miracles and healing.
Jesus performed good deeds in healing, driving out demons, and bringing the dead to life. He killed no one or robbed no one. Muhammad did both. Thou shall not kill and Thou shall not steal are two of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God.
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