@srizals: YES! Dó tell the Christians in your country, Malaysia, of my book. I disagree with their actions which are futile anyway. Because the judge has to judge by the law. And if the law forbids it, the judge can not allow it.
Let Allah be forbidden in Bibles and Christian books in languages like your own! Allah does not belong there! Allah should be confined to Islamic writings and islamic use. I am perfectly happy with that!
So... I think:
Antichrist has now banished our means of learning to interpret Scripture - and therefore of discerning his own wiles and their effects on people. Now he seeks to banish the Bible and, with it, any approach to our heritage that would also prevent his advancement.
Instead, he promotes the labyrinths of marxism and postmodern literary criticism. These linguistic mazes provide a negative parody of Scripture: they are "All sound and fury, signifying nothing." But by eliminating the means of comparison, Antichrist denies anything better to the young.
The koran, of course is alien and has no positive effect on British culture: it is another instrument of Antichrist.
So I agree with Your Grace, and thank you. We reap the consequences of idolatry in the decline of our art, literature, and language. We also see the results in the Social and Political Sciences ... probably in
the hard sciences as well - if the Pig Plague Panicdemic is anything to go by!
@Ian: Good advice, but unfortunately muslims have been closed of from hearing the Word of God by the lie they are told that Christians, more so, Jews have corrupted the 'original' Scriptures... If you had been raised hearing this every day, even if you would read this so called 'corrupted' book, the Bible (in the view of muslims who have not heard anything else but spoonfed this, and never checked out if these accusations were true) you would always read it through these polaroid glasses.
If muslims read the Bible, like Ahmed Deedat, they only do so to find references of the promise of Mohammed...for which they take the words of Jesus Who promised the Holy Spirit... Well, Jesus Christ DID prophesy the coming of people like Mohammed, warning us of false prophets rising up, and anti-christs!
For us, who have been taught to think logically, we can not imagine how muslims can ever take Mohammed's words and Mohammed seriously!
Mohammed who took the words from what he heard Christians and Jews say, was convinced that what he said (as he simply copied them) therefore confirmed the Scriptures revealed to the Jews and the Christians. But when more educated Jews and Christians rejected his claims, he did a very tricky thing! He then said: Well, then you Jews and Christians must have rewritten the original Scriptures. I have the original Scriptures revealed to me by Gibriel (who is also NOT Gabriel, though he is again - like Allah to God - made to look like Gabriel), and we reject therefore the Torah (the Bible).
This absurd reasoning could never have survived in the countries controled by the Christian East-Roman Empire. Mohammed would have been put to death for his heresy named islam! And we would have never heard of him. But unfortunately Mohammed lived in Saoudi-Arabia. Where he was also rejected by his countrymen until he started raiding their caravans, and kill a lot of people (well he let the killing do by his handymen, while he was making sure to be out of range of enemy arrows, standing in the back...shouting...)
It is like someone on Mars claiming he has been revealed the standard meter by which we have to measure by. Saying it is the same meter already revealed to the people of the earth many years prior. But when the real standard meter - not the meter that some of his fellow Marshians were using who were not so accurate - was compared to that which Marsian Mohammed said was the same, saying - when it turned out different - that the people of the earth have therefore changed, altered it. This impossible absurd reasoning (when would the Jews or Christians have altered the original Scriptures and how and why? Nobody would have accepted that! It is absolutely impossible...but not to the muslim mind who has been brainwashed with this false accusation of Mohammed) has kept the muslims from reading the Bible, or if they ever could or would, from hearing what God is really saying in His Word!
That is why Jesus Christ Himself appears to more and more muslims in dreams and visions! I can recommend the testimonies of ex-muslims. Click here: Muslims for Jesus Christ!
As is the case for everybody: Jesus Christ has to reveal Himself to each one of us! Faith is a gift of God! Being born again is a supernatural event that makes a person a child of God! (John 1:12,13) But faith of God comes by hearing the word of God, NÓT by hearing the words of Allah!
I suppose if MJ were to be buried as a muslim there would be a certain irony in his joining Mohamed in the afterlife considering that they shared certain bestial predilections.
As this world comes to an end and the signs of the Bible are clear, it is still a question of are you ready? And regardless if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or not or the Devil, the direct question is, do you want to find out in the end or now and risk ending up in hell's fire. People live in the now and curse the future, while they shuffle their bottles, garbage into the correct containers. Problem is the earth as God made it is so damaged, as is many souls. Michael Jackson is an example of a household of many of today, where the head of the household did not lead his family in the correct way. And greed of this world was more important than training up a child in the way they should go and they will not depart from it. If they knew Jesus Christ,Michael and his siblings and Mother would of prayed together, read the word of God and lived it from Genesis to Revelations and believed on the promises of God. In John 3:16, God gave his son Jesus Christ and for our sins so we could know we could live a overcoming life. He left his Holy Sprit so we would have a comforter to pray to and aid us in this life. Allah was only a prophet. He did not rise on the 3rd day, he did not do miracles. The bible is the best selling book in the world and many have started reading and then it's very words changed their lives. No other religion can do that and no other religion can say like I know Jesus Christ blood is what covers the true Christian. Jesus Christ died a violent death that he did not have to; but because he loved us so he took our sins. I love the Lord Jesus and I know Michael would of lived, if only.Today,in this Jackson family,we are witnessing a brakedown that our culture sees on the news daily. Without the Lord Jesus one will wonder this earth and never find peace with-in, never. His father will answer to God in Judgement and that's biblical. Teach your family the word of God and pray you are seeking the right way. I am sad for Michael Jackson and we all should feel the sadness, if one is human. Money is not the answer to peace, only to bills. We should pray he received the Lord Jesus before he left this earth. There is no waiting place, the soul leaves instantly upon the breath gone out of the body. As one day it will be with all of us. But the question is, is your soul right with the Lord Jesus, you may not have tomorrow.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hello Srizal,
Your logic is the same logic that Gad has. Are you Absolutely sure about you facts? God can be in any form he like spiritual or physical form. And you must now that God is every where even inside each and every one of us.How can you stupidly suggest that if he God in human form He will be weak? Jesus walks the Earth and teach about love and resurrection and was recorded by his disciples and How on earth that Islam and You prophet Mohamad which was 600 years behind and some 200 hundreds years before an al Quran written says that the Christian has Change the Bible. You can see many facts from Quran were base on the Bible. Mohamad has made war to his Arab brothers and and responsible of the man who were kill in those many war.Jesus say love everybody but Islam say Jihad War. I watch a TV program syaing that if a man died in jihad od islam, waiting for him 7 beautiful angel (women) in Heaven. My question is i a woman died of Jihad would there be 7 handsome angel(man) waiting for her too? Jesus died on the cross and rose again to show you that he is indeed God in his human form. Many event recorded in the bible saying that he can do many miracles just to name a few, healing many sicks people and bring the dead to life a again.Yes he died and risen. This show that He is the way. the only thing i now what Mohamad do is to have many wives even underage wife and so call Jihad war. False prophet that leads to hell.False Fatwa saying that a contract marriage is ok to avoid sin? u say u cannot worship idols? worshiping the kaabah is ok.The funny thing that your prayer were only in Arabs. That the your god cannot understand others human language? Read the bible and you see the truth will set you free. Christianity teach about loyalty to your spouse but Islam allowed divorce and polygamy? Men were superior than women in Islam and never respect the woman. False Fatwa to Arab man lust for women and greeds. Mohamad is a false Prophet. Just like what was mentioned in the bible there will be false prophets that leads people to hell?
Guys I need your help. Pray for me. Be with me. Do something to help Islam n Allah. Don't just living out your life. Its quite boring anyway of playing it safe! Remember?
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