Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Religion Question 2


Blogger Maria said...

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving


Everything in life has purpose. The same is true with ALL Creation of God. God did not create for pleasure but to serve him. This is the same to all - - human beings,angels, jinns (maybe in english, this is genie -- exactly like human beings but just they are invisible), the universe, animals, plants,rocks, etc...

Having said that, God created us equal to recognize Him as God and no others before our body is sent to earth. We all acknowledge Him as God and no others when our souls were created, before our human body is sent to earth. But human beings tend to forget that God since human beings tend to think or associate God with something that we see around us.

Even then, God did not leave us to go astray forever. This is the reason, God kept sending and choosing prophets and messengers to bring people to what they have forgotten - - to acknowledge God Only and no one else and nothing else. All prophets and messengers of God have the same message to people - just acknowledge and worship God Only and no one or nothing else. The first prophet as well as the first man who was created without mother and without father was Adam (a.s.) and the last prophet was prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). Jesus (a.s.), son of Mary, came before prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). Jesus (a.s.), son of Mary, will come again because he is a man like us. He needs to taste death like us. As well as, he has a role on his second coming. He will kill DAJJAL (the Anti-Christ) and establish Islam in the whole world, like what prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) did in Arabia. All belief and faiths even atheism already existed during the time of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) but he established Islam before he died after 23 years of prophethood.

All religions and different sects of religions teach good things and good rules on how to live life. However, they all have common set of faiths - - the worship or calling a created being God which is a big NO to God Almighty.

Maybe you call yourself an atheist but deep in your heart, you are not. This only God Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) can see it, not me or any human.

Allah is just. Eternal damnation/hell is given only to those who don’t have the tiniest as an ant of the faith in Allah. Why? Because it’s a sign of ungratefulness or not being thankful for the favours that He granted. He is the One who created, shapes us & gives life. Everything we owed to Him. He only asks from us to acknowledge or recognize Him in return. He also did not leave us astray so that everybody before departing this temporary life will receive the message of Islam.

10 July 2009 08:04

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