Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rifqa Bary: Overturning a fragile child

Rejoice! For a Christian Cult had succeeded in turning a little underage Muslim girl, 17 years old to be precise into actually reading a bible that even some non practising Christians are no longer reading it. Hmm. Is it a victory guys?

In the lands of the Malay, you have to wait until you reach 18 years old to decide on your own, the faith that you will choose to believe in and never would you be allowed to do so because eh, your parents are your rightly guardian n not some cult, even Muslims can't over ruled this ruling. But I guess Global Revolution Church is not in the lands of the Malay. It is on the lands of porn, pun and ponzy. So, it didn't surprised me that much.

I hope she won't find the x rated verses of add-ons by John n his companions that describe about the holy prophets unholiness, yes, yes, just like the modern day men of god, Mr. Bombastic of the Church that prey on helpless little boys but would never marry a woman. They were never Jesus' companions remember? N I hope she can find something really original in the bible that would knock some sense out of her. Judging from her face, I know she is thinking that she has seen the truth about Christianity. So, let bygones be bygones eh? Don't worry, truth will always prevail.

Remember Noah's wife? Noah was the prophet of God but he couldn't save his wife and his son from drowning in the great flood. It is the same with Luth. It is always up to Allah to decide, whoever deserve his mercy and guidance. Never did it ever lied in our hands remember?

Hope she'll find the verses that prohibit her from eating swine and she would be brave enough to stop crying n ask her new found friends why are they keep on eating it even though their holy book strictly prohibited it. N I hope she would read about the 10 commandments that one of them exclusively warned the Israelite n the followers of Jesus to not associate anything else with God, the One and only. N a couple of things that would confused her sooner or later. Prepare your answers now, Blake. My eyes are now on U.

Remember guys, it is not your say. You have no power over her or any Muslim that wish to leave Islam. It is up to Allah. Free will remember? Don't worry. Read the story of Muslims that return to their original being n discover what they had forgotten when they took an oath with us in the spirit world in front of Allah. No, they are not some fragile wannabe cheerleaders kind of teen. They are the top of the cream of the civilised west.

To Rifqa, do read the bible, all of the verses like I did, the old n the new testament, don't forgot about the old testament, they are the bible right? But never did I could hear its original sound like the Koran, always in the same state, language n sound, even after more than 1,400 years had passed.

And do ask Blake, Beverly n all the members of Global Revolution Church about the thousands more Bibles that are contradicting with each other in the hands of hundreds of Christian cults. If you deserve Allah's love, you will get it. If not, you have my sympathy.

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