Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Asians vs The West


I have to cut down the loading time of my blog. It seems to take longer time to load compared with other blogs. If U want to listen to the Koran, U can always type the Koran or Al Quran on youtube or the net search engine. Can U listen to the Bible in its original language as it was given to Prophet Jesus Christ, a long, long time ago? Didn't it occur to U why U can't have the original Bible but had to rely on Saints which made the Bible has over thousands of versions that are not the same with each other? Don't U worry about that? I mean, having to rely on interpreters only without having the chance of looking up or checking it out yourself just in case?

Were those Bible support each other or contradict with each other? How about the content? Are they the same? If not, why? Can U ask these questions to your holy men like Muslims when we have confusion over our religion? Are U allowed to do so? I mean, questioning the omnipotent people of Christianity.

The Jews were persecuted over the centuries by Christians and suddenly, all of a sudden, no, they were innocent. After all the bloody pogroms, the dead Jewish children and defenseless women killed just for being a Jew. Is it just? Is it justified?

One of my encounters with the Westerners was very interesting. He thinks that nuking a non nuclear power is justified. The Japanese civilians that perished, the babies, the children were legitimate military target just like Pearl Harbour. He couldn't see the reason of why the terrorists or would be terrorists are targeting civilians but when governments, (his in particular), or armies fought wars not on the battlefield facing each other, I mean men of war who could inflict death and miseries upon each other, but instead they bombed and killed in mass, helpless and unarmed children, women and men that could not retaliate against their destructive behaviours. Is it just? Or it is just being inhumane human?

Everyone cried and commemorate civilians that were victimised by wars. Remember Omar Mokhtar? Yes, the lion of the desert that defied the mighty fascist Italian invaders. Libyans were killed selectively and sometimes randomly to destroy the resistance, but did Omar Mokhtar turned on the Italian civilians in retaliation? Oh, only recently, just recently Italian apologized to Muammar Gaddafi for its atrocities, yes, just like the Japanese to its Asian brothers. But I never heard any apologies from the mightiest colonial power of all time, the Great Britain and the USA, yes, the USA, I'm not making a typo error, they were the master of the Malays in the Philippines remember? What did they do to the resistance there? They were garroted slowly to death of course. Yes, yes, the Westerners didn't think that we, the Asians are actually humans like themselves, being so small and for having non pointed nose of course.

The Cambodians also suffered relentless bombings by the mighty B-52s. Oh no, they were not in war with the USA, how could it? Come on, Cambodia? Being so third world country, against a super power with nukes? U must be out of your mind! They were like Switzerland. But still, Nixon bombed them and most Americans were unaware of it. Just recently of course, after all the secrets are no longer considered as secrets. Maybe after 50 years from now, we can have all the secrets regarding US and Israel eh? I mean, their special relationship of Judea Christianity that some Christians and Jews think as an unholy marriage or something like that.

Oh, I forgot to mention. The constant bombings by the US paved the way to the worst genocide in the 21st century I think. Yes, the bloody Khmer Rouge. What? You don't believe me? Try having your country bombed for several years and see what it can do to you. Have you heard any apology from the USA? I mean, about their role in the genocide? Hmm. Genocide of the great buffaloes, genocide of a human race that once roamed the great plains in the millions! Why did they killed all the buffaloes and not pigs? Well, they were Indians' food of course. No, not the Black Indians, the Red Indians!

Well, at least some good still come out of all the bombings. Many Cambodians are making a living by selling scrap metals from bombs. Some died though. Their brothers and wife had to wipe their brains and stuffs off trees. Thanks to the US armies, of course. The inhumane buyers? Well, they are the Buddhist Thais of course. Who were U expecting?

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