Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mantera Beradu : Malique/M.Nasir

Masih belum sempurna

Gerakkan Hati, Hati gerakkan
Pandanglah aku, akulah dia

Still not perfect,

Move the heart, and move it must
Look at me, I am him

Kulitku tebal, ku kebal, ingatku kebal
Hanya berbual makan angin kembung perut mual
Resah dan tidak senang, hidup tak pernah lenang
Ku schizophrenia takut pecah tembelang

I got thick hide, I’m invincible
I thought I was indestructible
Too much talking, digesting the air, until your stomach burst
Restless and unease, no calmness in life
I’m schizophrenia, afraid someday the truth will come out

Pecah tembelang, peta dah hilang
Bangau dah pulang, suara sumbang

The word is out, the map is lost
The stork had returned, an awkward voice

Lidahku kaku tak selicin kuku
Teman baikku buku
Bini ku pena, tak pernah lena
Aku suka mengintai, pantang ditenung
Berakhir pertelingkahan dalaman
Pasti belum

My tongue ain’t smooth like my nails,
My best friend is the book
My wife is the pen, never asleep
I love to peek, never to be look at
The ending of internal conflict
Still miles ahead

Ikut gerak hati.. pena melayang
Dilihat dua layang pandang
Taklah sekarang
Takat meradang
Tanya.. abang gedang, apa barang?
Badan macam badang
Main acah belakang parang

Follow your hunch, the pen moves
Seen not at a glance
Not now, just a little bit annoyed
Asking, what’s the stuff man?
Body like a hulk
Keep on playing with the back of the sword

Kuhunuskan keris musuh ada pistol
Tradisi kekalkan adaptasi harus betul
Tujuh baris keramat tujuh garis penamat
Baik berpada biar jahat asal selamat

Ramai saudaraku yang baik telah dipijak

Unsheathe the keris, the enemy got guns
Keep up with tradition, adaptation must be right
Seven blessed line, Seven ending line
Keep it gradual; let’s be evil as long as we’re safe

Many of my kind brothers had been trampled on

Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu

The dark clouds keep on moving slowly
Bringing tears and restlessness
All the missed ones will be forgotten
All the scars and words
All the binding promises
Melted at your side

Ijazah terbaik datangnya dari jalanan
Dari pengalaman bercakap dan bersalaman
Konflik motivasi cuba medatasi
Positif dan benci jadi inspirasi pagi

The best scroll comes from the street
From experience, talking and shaking hands
Conflict and motivation, trying to meditate
Positive and hate becomes the morning inspiration

Peduli itu interpretasi basi pekakkan sebelah
Halang biar keduanya muka cantik
Soalan bodoh yang ditanya jadi melodinya
Lebih hina dari zina

Caring is an outdated interpretation,
Cover the side, make them deaf,
Nice face, but keep on asking stupid questions
Becomes a melody lower than adultery

Lu bikin dosa ku bikin prosa
Testosterone testarosa
Cita-cita sosa KL KL kosa nostra
Jalan berliku ku harung roller coaster
Gah sentosa tiada penyesalan
Luas pandangan jauh dah berjalan
Tak sempurna masih ada kejanggalan
Gagal merancang, merancang kegagalan

You design sins, I design prose
Testosterone, testarosa
Ambition sosa KL KL kosa nostra
Winding roads ahead, I’m on a roller coaster
My pride at ease, there’s no remorse
I’ve seen it all, the journey was far
Still not perfect, there’s still awkwardness
Failing to plan, I’m planning to fail

Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu

Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau

Bring a cat to sleep, a tiger comes with nightmares
Coming to a new place, bring your head not a knife

Naik bukit angkuh cakap ayah jangan risau
Turun bukit pucat dengar tiga miaww
Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau
Tolak pintu gua tiga kerat tenaga
Kosong tak dijaga sampai datang tiga naga
Ingat nak berlaga tapi tak kan boleh menang
Menang dengan otak tak mesti dengan pedang

Climbing the hill, arrogantly I say, don’t worry dad
Climbing down, trembling with fear, hearing three meows
Bring a cat to sleep, a tiger comes with nightmares
Bring your head, not a knife to a new place
Open the cave’s door, use all your might
Empty without any guard, three dragons come along
Thought of fending them off, but surely you’ll lose
You can win with your head, not necessarily with a sword

Sebelum jadi naga, ikan koi renang renang
Kura-kura salah jawab pantun, naik berang
Panggil lima kawan atau biar pergi laju
Risaukan perkara remeh kita tak akan maju
Muka sama hijau hati siapa tahu
Merah dah menyala pasti mati siapa mahu
Gagap tiga kali bercakap benar saja
bulan terang ramai yang keluar buat kerja

Before changing to a dragon, the Koi fish gently swims
The turtle answered the riddle wrongly, everyone was upset
Calling 5 friends or just go as fast as you can
Afraid of little things, we can never get far

The colour of our faces is the same green, who knows what lies in the heart?
Red and burning, a certain death, who would want to?
Hesitating to speak, only the truth comes out
Everyone is out when the moon was full

Panjat pokok buluh cari tokong air terjun
Naik sampai nampak, dah terpegun turun
Tiga ular ikut, lompat atau paut
Kalau terus mati, jika belok maut

Climbing the bamboo plant, looking for the waterfall monastery
Climb up till you see it, mesmerized, quickly climb down
Three snakes are following you, should you jump or hang on?
Go straight and you’re dead, turn and you’re toast

Awan mendung yang berarak
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Semua birat dan kalimah
Semua janji yang terikat
Lebur disisimu

Puisi hati mu… hati mu puisi
Palu hati ku palu hatiku

Poetry in your heart, your heart rhymes
Beating my heart, beating on my heart

Kulit tak bersalin walau saling ganti baju
Pandang sini, pandang sini
Ku berbahasa baku, kata kata nahu
Himpun jadi satu
Mantera beradu dengan irama dan lagu

Your skin won’t change even though you always change clothes
Look here, look at me
I’m using a simple plain language
Put it all together
The chants sleep with the rhythm and songs

Akhirnya sempurna

Finally, it’s perfect

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