Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Sexual Perversity of the Muslim Mind

By M. A. Khan

Muslim men’s sexual attitude is so perverse that they think they can even eye-rape women. While we can’t probably ever comprehend how that is possible, but we can discern why they may entertain such perverse thinking…

On many occasions, I have received emails from Muslims—apparently well-educated ones, who write good English and live in Western countries—justifying the Islamic tradition of wearing veils on the ground that it helps women avoid “eye-rape” by strangers. Following is such a letter written by one Farrukh Abidi, apparently incensed by the outcome of a recent Angus Reid poll, which found most Quebecers and Canadians agree that women wearing the niqab or burqa should not receive government services, hospital care or university instruction. Abidi wrote:

Assalamu alaikum

There is no surprise if non Muslim countries ban hijab or niqab since they are non-Muslim, they don’t care what Islamic values are, real surprise is that majority of Muslims women don’t practice niqab or even hijab, and majority of Muslim men don’t care if their wives practice this important order of Allah or not. There are hundreds of Muslim families where we won’t find any single home or person, who cares about niqab or hijab.

Not only that but Muslim women now have taken a further step, which is nakedness, women wearing half sleeves which is very common, many women wear semi-naked saarhi (especially in India/Pakistan), many women now don’t put the cloth sheet on their body so part of their chest stays naked.

Surprise is, Muslim men even don’t realize or don’t care that when their wives go out in this condition then unlimited men get aroused by watching their naked body parts, especially in non-Muslim countries, there are Christian, Jews, Hindus, Sikh, rapists, alcoholic, gangsters, street bums, homo sexual and all kind of people see them and get aroused and enjoy the view then day dream while thinking about these Muslim women and girls.

Can you imagine what is the level of ghaira of these Muslim men? Majority of Muslims men unknowingly are making it easy for unlimited and all kind of men to enjoy and get aroused and pleasure with their wives by allowing them to live without hijab or with nakedness cloths.

Women don’t really understand the nature of men so they wear naked kind of cloths without knowing that unlimited and all kind of men are enjoying with them.

I know some of them purposely not practicing hijab to attract men, but the fact is, women listen to their husbands, if husbands help and encourage their wives then I believe 90% of married women will start practicing hijab.

Those Muslim women who are not practicing proper hijab, they are not living respectful life, they choose disrespectful life just to please their husbands, why won’t they choose respectful life if their husbands pleased with that?

The thing that really surprises me is that how Muslim men tolerate such a disturbing condition of their wives?

With this all around the Muslim world, Muslim’s act surprised and complain “Why non-Muslim countries are not treating us nicely and fairly.”

Why would they? Do we give any importance to Islamic values?


Farrukh Abidi

I will discuss only the Muslim idea of how a woman, not covered head-to-toe with black robes, can be eye-raped—i.e. sexually enjoyed simply by looking at them—by strangers.

Although Muslims accuse (as Abidi has done) non-Muslims of having such a perverse sexual attitude, it actually exposes the underlying thinking of their own that one can rape a woman just by looking at her exposed face, legs, hands or a bit of her breast. Having been a Muslim for 35 years, I would not be surprised.

Mumin Salih, a Syrian-born Arab and ex-Muslim, has quite correctly outlined the Muslim sexual attitude as thus:

The culture of strict sexual segregation practiced in the Gulf States, and some other Muslim countries, make some Muslims behave like wild sexual beasts. In Saudi Arabia, for example, the mere sight of a woman’s leg can be sexually-arousing experience to men. Women without total coverings were described by Australian Imam, Taj al-Hilaly, as uncovered meat; in other words, mouth-watering meals to would-be predators.

I have known how young Muslims in Islamic countries experience a rush of adrenaline and blood down their body to their male instrument, when they, by chance, happen to see the shoulder-ribbon of a girl’s bra, accidentally exposed. This would tell well what kind of experience Muslim men may have when they see women with exposed thighs or part of the teat. Let me tell from my experience that, despite Muslims’ saintly façade, they are most crazy about watching porn.

Men from conservative social backgrounds, where mixing of men and women are relatively restricted as Muslim societies are and takes pride in, are likely to feel sexual excitement more easily when they spot a girl’s body-parts a little exposed.

But this maniac sexual attitude is also shaped by how a society or its religious faith looks at sex and women. We humans are capable of being charitable like the legendary philanthropist Hatim Ta’i, but can also be robbers, plunderers and looters like his contemporary Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad had attacked the Ta’i community, plundered it and forced Hatim’s children to embrace Islam). Our attitude toward various aspect and issues of life is shaped by how we groom it, based on our social and ethical outlook.

Muslims can surely be as best as their Prophet was, given that Muhammad is seen as an ideal human example for Muslims to follow in all aspects of life at all times. Let me cite this Sunnah of the Prophet, which would explain why Muslims in particular entertain such perverse attitude toward women and sex.

The Prophet was once visiting his adopted son Zayd, when he was away. When he called Zayd, his newly-married wife Zainab answered from inside their ramshackle house that Zayd was away. But Muhammad could not hold his curiosity. Instead of walking straight back home, he peeped into the house. And there he saw Zainab, his daughter-in-law, in flimsy dress on a hot summer day of Arabia. Muhammad was awe-struck by the attractive near-naked body of beautiful Zaynab, and went away saying: “Praise be to Allah, who can change how the heart feels”.

What came next would dismay any decent mind, although Muslims hold it as sacred tradition of the Prophet worth emulating forever. While a decent father-in-law would walk away feeling ashamed of making the mistake of peeping in, Muhammad probably experienced the greatest rush of adrenaline in his body ever by the alluring sight of young and beautiful Zainab’s sexy body. And how did he control his once-in-a-life-time arousal? Here’s probably the story:

Sahih Muslim Book 8, Number 3240:

Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.

While a connection of this story to Zainab hasn’t probably been made in Islamic literature, it is more than certain that this was the aftermath of the prophet’s memorable encounter with Zainab, unless the Prophet was in the habit of going around and peeping into the privacy of women in Medina (That would make him an even worse pervert, wouldn’t it?). Interestingly, he took his wife of the same name to bed to cool his arousal by semi-naked Zainab. Was he fantasizing, while cooling his hard-on, as if he was doing it with his daughter-in-law Zainab?

Apart from this, we know the prophet’s extremely perverse sexual infatuation: His engagement in unrestricted polygamy, his infatuation for little Aisha and thighing upon her until she turned nine and ready for vaginal penetration, his capturing of infidel women in war and taking the prettiest in the lot to bed on the same night, and his sending of his wife Asma to her father Omar’s house lying that Omar had called her to discuss something so that he could sleep with slave-girl Maria in Asma’s bed.

And in the present case, Muhammad’s encounter with Zainab did not end there. He played all kinds of tricks, even called down help from Allah to discredit the rather noble Arab tradition of adoption in Islam, so that he could make Zainab, his adopted son’s wife, his own wife, which was deemed immoral in the then Arab society.

When this prophet hold the image of perfection in sexual activity and attitude for all times in the Muslim mind, it is easy to understand why Muslim men feel that it is possible—or they are capable to be accurate—to eye-rape a liberally-dressed woman, as if they experience orgasm as they see a women pass by with her leg, hand, face or a bit of cleavage exposed.

While above-mentioned hadith explain the prophet’s sexual perversity, it also clearly shows what a wife is for to her husband in Islam. He came back home with an intense sexual arousal after seeing semi-naked woman in the neighbourhood, and his wife at home must help cool down his sexual urge for the neighbourhood woman immediately and with no question asked. And here we are infidels, we have to be mindful of the wish of the wife if she is in a mood to do it; and quite often she is tired, not in a mood, etc. etc. And under the same situation, if we would demand sex, we will surely be thrown out forever.

When this sexual perversity and that the thinking that women are nothing but a tool for men’s sexual enjoyment form the foundation of sexual ethics of a society or people, it is not difficult to grasp why Muslims can think that they can rape a woman just by looking at exposed parts of her body. This perverse sexual ethics also explain as to why Muslims in the West, despite being exposed to liberal culture like other immigrants such as Hindus from India (who gradually turn liberal), fail to change their attitude and behavior toward sex and women.

It is a fact that Muslims’ perverse sexual attitude makes women—howsoever decently dressed—victim of sexual assault in bazaars, streets, shopping malls and any crowded place in Muslim countries. And they fail to change this attitude, groomed by sacred tradition, toward women even after coming the West; they engage in the same kind of sexual behaviors—violent molestation and rapes of women—at every opportunity. One may recall high rates of rapes of white women in Muslin neighborhoods in Sydney, Malmo (Sweden) and other Muslim-dominated areas in Western countries. Some Muslim clerics have even proudly supported those rapes, calling the liberally-dressed women “uncovered meats” on offer, and therefore the true offenders. And if you are Muslim insider and have met Muslim men gossiping, you will find that such a line of thinking is widespread among them: Those flimsily-dressed kuffar women are nothing better than whores and quite deserve to be raped.

Now, readers should have no difficulty in understanding why Muslim men think that they can rape a woman by just looking at the exposed parts of her body.

M. A. Khan is the author of “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialiam, and Slavery”

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12 Responses for “Sexual Perversity of the Muslim Mind”

santiago29 says:
June 20, 2010 at 8:10 am

“homosexuals & all kinds of people see them & get aroused”

Really,what kind of homosexuals are these that get aroused by women wearing half-naked sleeves & semi-saris?
Are muslim men really so insecure & possessive that they are threatened by gay men?
Shafee al-Zindig says:
June 20, 2010 at 10:43 am

“of his wife Asma to her father Omar’s house lying that Omar had called her to discuss something so that he could sleep with slave-girl Maria in Asma’s bed.”

@Mr MA Khan

Just a slight correction to an otherwise excellent article about Madmoe’s sexual perversions. It was actually Hafsa and not Asma. Asma was Ayesha’s sister. I am sure you know this and it was just an honest mistake. We should not give any Muslim spin-doctors any excuse to rubbish your exposure of Islam.

Keep up the good work exposing the cult of hate Islam.
ronyvo says:
June 30, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Now now Farruk, you must have realized by now that Islam was exposed by the horrible islamic attack of 9/11.
The hijab in itself does not bother me, not really. What bothers me is what it symbolizes, which is the extremly violent nature of this system.
All these lies (takiyya) by Muslims are slowly but definitley getting ‘killed’ ( I am using here the Koranic terminology) by the TRUTH, which is easily discovered by a simple reading of the Koran and hadiths.
By the way, I was borrn and raised in Islamic country. I have to mention here a fact, which I am sure you are aware of, and that is the sexual behavior in islamic countries are way worst than in the West. The difference is, women in the west are honest, they don’t fool men. Quite the opposit of those in the islamic countries. I know of men wear hijab (disguised as girl) and go to a girl of her perents’ house and have sex. And that is not all, as you know that a girl (who never married) MUST be a virgin when she is getting married. So, before the wedding (of course to another man) she goes and have a simple operation done, which would cause blooding when having intercourse with her fooled husband. DECEPTION, dishonesty is part of islam’s teachings and Mohammad is a good example.
Do you want me to say more?!
Pleae, be truthful. As I said Islam is exposed. There are so many Americans now know about Islam more than 98% of the Muslims.
hugofroto1960 says:
July 5, 2010 at 1:20 am

I have a muslim friend who related a story to me in the second person though I’m sure he was speaking of himself. He was out on the town and glimpsed a women wearing a veil. He became aroused by her followed her and took her in an alley knowing in his mind he that she was a stunning beauty. In my mind it sounds like rape. I feel sorry for women in Islamic countries. If a man takes them
I’m quite sure they don’t register a complaint for fear of more abuse.
Moooo says:
July 6, 2010 at 5:09 am

I totally agree with this sentence by M.A Khan:

“Men from conservative social backgrounds, where mixing of men and women are relatively restricted as Muslim societies are and takes pride in, are likely to feel sexual excitement more easily when they spot a girl’s body-parts a little exposed.”

Human is the product of society. For example, when a society considers women wearing pants is taboo then a person from that society will think the same. He/she will think that a woman who wears pant is bad for morality (society’s version). I for example never understand as why these Muslims (practicing) are so adamant with the headscarf. In my eyes, woman wearing headscarf or not doesn’t make any difference. That’s because I was born from different society. If a woman wears traditional clothes which covers all the body except her head Muslims will still consider them exposed to men and call her naked. What a strange thought. We are played by our own constructed thoughts.

A very good sentence by Abidi:

“There is no surprise if non Muslim countries ban hijab or niqab since they are non-Muslim, they don’t care what Islamic values are”

Yes, this is the example of fairness. Every Muslims in this world should behave this way. A non Muslim country banning Islamic things like hijab and minaret is very normal since the country is not Islamic. If they don’t like it they can go back or migrate to their Islamic countries anytime they like. It’s so simple yet so hard to do due to excessive hypocrisy.

A very strange thought:

“Surprise is, Muslim men even don’t realize or don’t care that when their wives go out in this condition then unlimited men get aroused by watching their naked body parts”

Judging from Abidi’s point a view, naked body parts will include the hair, the neck, the forearm and the ears. What a weird view about nakedness.
peacebeonyouiammuslim says:
July 17, 2010 at 11:11 pm

asalamo-o-alykum to all brothers and sisters first of all this he didnt said when youlookat women and go home and start doing sex with her no it doesnt say that its saying if anything comes in your heart by seeing the beauty of women then come and have intercourse with wife so u will not be thinknig anything of her but be your wifes only faithful lover husband

quran chapter 4 verse 19 treat womens with knidness and not harshly show me verse liekthis in bible orany book
peacebeonyouiammuslim says:
July 17, 2010 at 11:12 pm

asalamo-o-alykum to all brothers and sisters first of all this he didnt said when youlookat women and go home and start doing sex with her no it doesnt say that its saying if anything comes in your heart by seeing the beauty of women then come and have intercourse with wife so u will not be thinknig anything of her but be your wifes only faithful lover husband

quran chapter 4 verse 19 treat womens with knidness and not harshly show me verse liekthis in bible orany book and you will not find and islam is the peace ful religion sadly many haters dont let normal people see the truth of islam
The Muslim beauties are wooing Hindu men FASTEST « Hinduism according to Ved: DSM Satyarthi says:
August 22, 2010 at 9:07 pm

[...] good at – chasing them. Today, a Muslim girl can pass through a Hindu locality with ease, but through a Muslim locality, she’s the target of lustful glares and what not. It’s, frankly, an embarrassment to walk through a Muslim locality. Muslim men are too [...]
Yåqūb Family-2 « Creative Adult Sex: Durgesh says:
August 22, 2010 at 11:39 pm

[...] Was I a gay Musalmān? [...]
yomayngsup says:
August 23, 2010 at 4:02 pm

When a religion, (or cult, in this case), is originated by an illiterate with perverse sexual ideation, it naturally follows that the “religion” will have myriad sexual taboos, beliefs, and underlying guilt. The whole focus of Islam is on conquest, death to infidels (especially the Jews who refused to follow the false prophet), and sexuality. The hijab is one defense against the twisted sexual thoughts that Muslim men harbor, and the burqa is the ultimate. Notice how men can wear tight jeans, shorts, whatever–women have no sexual feelings according to Islamic men–which is why it’s okay for them to jump on us women, have their waywith us, a zip up and leave. Take a look at this interesting blog if you want to read more about the wonderful Muslim community:
Reason says:
August 26, 2010 at 10:36 am

This is a disgusting, disturbing and absolutely twisted article; futile attempt to dispute the truth of Islam.
Having been born in the UK and had the privilege of travelling to different countries and observing different societies I can truly see and appreciate the beauty and the importance of the Hijab. We know that divorce, suicide, rape, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, theft, murder, depression, is higher in non Muslim countries – this does not mean it doesn’t take place in Muslim societies rather it shows your claims are false. I have been exposed to British society and they do ‘rape’ women with their eyes and their lustfull fantasies and addiction and acceptance to masturbation; they cannot control their desires and will always verbally taunt attractive looking women; especially if they are showing skin. they oogle and drool all over them – yes Muslim men are sexually active as all men but they behave decent and respectful of women and not only those who in positions of power or who are educated.

Islam benefits all not only the well educated and powerful members of society; its a protection against all the ills of society. And those in power always oppose that which will seemingly bring their status down. I mean how can Mr PHD educated so and so be compared to Joe Bloggs who works hard to survive – I mean he is a doctor you treat him with respect.

Look at your own fallacies of democracy and you will see the beauty of Islam – Allah is He there is none worthy of Worship.

I feel stupid for attempting to reason with people who have none.

goodvsevil says:
August 30, 2010 at 12:50 pm

Whats the use of wearing hijab or burqa when your chances of rape are as high a woman dressed liberally. Referring to the comment of the guy who followed a muslim woman properly dressed into an alley and did his bussiness with her? I am not muslim and dress modestly, because I choose to, but I still get second glances and stares, especially from muslim men. We have to remember that rape as studied by pcychologists actually stems from a control/powertrip as opposed to sexual arousal.

Reason's comment is the reason for me to publish this article. The lies are not even worth mentioning. These people will stop at nothing. They are blind, deaf and dumb. They are beyond any reach. If you want to understand how Allah sealed the hearts of the disbelievers and covered their ears, read the comments and articles in and you'll understand how and why. It is like when you put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. You can't blame God for killing you. It was your own hand all the way. Everything has its rule and end result. It's only logical.

Without cause and effect, the life as we know it would be a total confusion beyond any understanding. Before jumping into any conclusions, make the comparison. Don't depend on one source only. We have the internet, the world's event and current affairs to broaden our understanding. Don't let anyone lie to us and got away with it. My wife hates a liar. She could never forgive a liar for making her believe in something that is not. How about you?

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